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Phylogenetic relationships of NIEV

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1 Phylogenetic relationships of NIEV
Phylogenetic relationships of NIEV. Complete flavivirus polyproteins were aligned in geneious using MAFFT and the E-INS-I algorithm. Phylogenetic relationships of NIEV. Complete flavivirus polyproteins were aligned in geneious using MAFFT and the E-INS-I algorithm. Alignment columns were stripped to contain gaps of less than 20%. Maximum likelihood analyses were inferred with the LG substitution matrix and 1,000 bootstrap replicates using PhyML. Nodes are labeled with bootstrap support using percentage values. Vertebrate-pathogenic viruses are labeled with blue vertical lines and insect-specific viruses with green. Abbreviations are as follows: MB, mosquito-borne flaviviruses; TB, tick-borne flaviviruses; NKV, flaviviruses with no known vector; dISF, dual-host-affiliated insect-specific flaviviruses; cISF, classical insect-specific flaviviruses. Sandra Junglen et al. mSphere 2017; doi: /mSphere

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