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Presentation on theme: "Tobacco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tobacco

2 Tobacco Smoke Nicotine- a stimulant drug that speeds up the heart beat, addictive Tar- a thick, dark liquid formed when tobacco burns Carbon Monoxide- a poisonous gas produced when tobacco burns

3 Why do young people smoke?
Want to fit in with their friends Trying to seem older Believe it won’t hurt their health Persuaded by advertising

4 Effects on Body Skin Mouth, teeth and throat Lungs Heart Fingers
Stomach, bladder and colon Brain Blood Vessels

5 Skin Look older Skin wrinkles

6 Mouth, teeth and throat Bad breath Stained teeth
Cancer of mouth and throat- due to chemicals in smoke


8 Lungs Tar coats the inside of lungs Emphysema- due to tar
Lung cancer- due to chemicals


10 Heart Nicotine increases heart rate and blood vessels to narrow
Narrow blood vessels strain the heart Lead to Heart attack

11 Fingers Yellow and stained
Burgers disease-reduces blood flow to arms and legs

12 Stomach, bladder and colon
Harmful substances in smoke can lead to stomach ulcers, bladder and colon cancer Smoking makes a person 10x more likely to develop bladder cancer Long term smoking doubles the risk to colon cancer

13 Brain Nicotine speeds up the way the body works Addictive

14 Blood Vessels CO from the smoke reduces the amount of O2 that the blood carries As a result body organs receive less O2 from the blood

15 Unborn Babies Decrease birth weight Miscarriage
Higher risk of complications Growth and mental development

16 Second Hand smoke Tobacco smoke in the air that is inhaled by non smokers

17 Second Hand smoke Develop same health problems as smokers Heart attack
Pneumonia Bronchitis

18 Smokeless Tobacco Snuff- finely ground tobacco that is held in the mouth

19 Smokeless Tobacco Just as addictive
White spots on gums and inside cheeks Sores in stomach Bad breath

20 Smokeless Tobacco Stains teeth Damage gums Tooth decay and loss
Lose sense of taste and smell




24 Facts About 1/3 of youth smokers will die from tobacco related disease
Everyday about 3,900 youth (12-17) try a cigarette for the first time 1 out of 3 smokers begin before the age of 14

25 Facts In the US 3,000 die from second hand smoke
Cigarettes kill over 50 people an hour Tobacco kills 20x more than murder

26 Click on facts (left hand side)
Look up different interesting facts

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