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Variations in TA burst parameters between postures during an E20 experiment. Variations in TA burst parameters between postures during an E20 experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "Variations in TA burst parameters between postures during an E20 experiment. Variations in TA burst parameters between postures during an E20 experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Variations in TA burst parameters between postures during an E20 experiment.
Variations in TA burst parameters between postures during an E20 experiment. Each of three burst parameters are plotted for the same TA bursts serially ordered across consecutive RLMs during control (blue), extension restraint (ER, red) and post-restraint control (PC, green). (A) Mean TA burst duration (±s.d.) increased from 57±39 ms (control) to 108±86 ms (ER) then returned to 57±29 ms (PC). (B) Mean TA cycle duration increased from 128±67 ms (control) to 186±118 ms (ER) and increased further to 267±198 ms (PC). (C) TA burst amplitude sharply increased from a mean of 1.3±2.4 mV s (control) to 4.7±5.4 mV s (ER), then dropped to 1.7±1.5 mV s (PC). Nina S. Bradley et al. J Exp Biol 2014;217: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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