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The National Community of Practice on ASD

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Presentation on theme: "The National Community of Practice on ASD"— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Community of Practice on ASD

2 Where is the Value Added for an SEA?
The CoP on Autism in WV - Lynn Boyer To date: Cross-stakehodler participation Shared leadership Regular communication Face-face meetings Looking forward to: Cross-state sharing Virtual communication through

3 What Does the National CoP Look Like and What Will It Do?
        State Teams Attended the 2007 and 2008 NATTAP Forum as a designated team that works together in the state Some teams cross agencies Many are cross-stakeholder Practice Groups Focused on issues Open to all First leaders have emerged from the 2008 NATTAP Forum IDEA Partner organizations are getting involved in the Practice Groups

4 The National CoP Invites all the stakeholders
Uses the networks that are already in place to coalesce people around issues Uses the CoP structure to learn across groups Different roles Different agencies Different disciplines Models shared work Supports a electronic CoP site, Encourages shared work in states and organizations

5 Key Questions What benefit could a State CoP provide to the SEA in developing services for individuals with ASD ? What is the role of the SEA in supporting the State ASD CoP?  How can the National CoP add value for SEAs?

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