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The Boy, who was greedy for gold!

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Presentation on theme: "The Boy, who was greedy for gold!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Boy, who was greedy for gold!
It’s a very sunny day and you want to go to the sandy , clean beach with the hot , beauty sun coming on your shiny , sun-tanned face but they don’t let you in because you have no gold or money and you are not rich enough to get gold or afford to go to the beach. Do you go left Do you go right

2 You walked for ages and got tired and DIED! In hunger!

3 You found A cave and want to go in it
go through the cave and find a mystery that comes Go back to the mysterious place

4 Quickly pick it up Leave it and go forward
You find a sword but as you try and pick it up you hear a roaring noise screaming like FLASHING THUNDER! OR MAYBE A Hungry, fierce dragon with strong powers! Quickly pick it up Leave it and go forward

5 You cant find your car and DIE from 5 poisonous blood sucking mosquitos and go to the hospital and YOU DIE GO BACK

6 You hear the loud noise again , you see the red , fire-breathing death dragon and defeat it then you see shiny gold and take it all! GO TO CASTLE

YOU DIE, YOU WERE SO CLOSE!!!!! The dragon has the shiny reflecting gold with a sign of £100 on each piece of gold BACK TO THE START

8 You go back to your castle and be crazy rich

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