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Please get the out following

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Presentation on theme: "Please get the out following"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please get the out following
Blank sheet of paper (any 1 color of your choice) Pen or pencil Map pencils A creative attitude You will need to draw 5 pictures of ANY 5 dates on the next slide

2 1879- Thomas Edison invents the light bulb (electric power)
Place the following dates & events in chronological order on your timeline. 1879- Thomas Edison invents the light bulb (electric power) Klondike Gold Rush in Alaska 1889- The Gospel of Wealth is written by Andrew Carnegie 1856- Bessemer Steel Process is created 1862- Homestead Act 1913- Graduated Income Tax 1886- Haymarket Riot 1859- Creation of Petroleum-based products 1892- Homestead Strike 1882- Chinese Exclusion Act st Labor Union is created, starts the growth of Labor Unions 1869- Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad 1889- Populism Begins Social Gospel Movement Cattle Industry Boom 1876- Telephone is created 1883- Pendleton Act 1830- Indian Removal System 1887- Dawes Act 1881- Assassination of Garfield 1894- Pullman Strike

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