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Social Media: It Can Make All The Difference
Prepared by Nadia Singh and Sue Stott June 3, 2019
Why We Are Here We would like to share with AACTE’s State Chapter leaders the importance of social media posting How often do you use social media? Have you gone a day without checking Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram? Social media has changed the way we live. It’s how we get our news and how we interact with long lost friends and our loved ones. Social media is everywhere. It’s unavoidable, it’s powerful, and it’s not going anywhere! Raise your hand if you checked Facebook today! You might be scrolling through your feed right now! Lol! Can you think of a time where you didn’t check some social channel? How many of you watched a video on Facebook today? I bet you remember it! Think of how much impact your chapters can make along with AACTE when you highlight all the amazing things you all are doing! Private and Confidential
Some Questions How can AACTE state chapters improve their social media participation? What should AACTE’s state chapters be posting via social media? Raise your hand statement or great place for: How many stories are we missing about great educators in this country? Let’s highlight them! I know you know them. I know many are part of your chapters. Private and Confidential
AACTE State Chapters Northeast Region Southern Region Midwest Region
Western Region AACTE already has a strong social media presence. The chapters have a solid base to work with, which is great news. Use the news circulating around your region to boost membership/excitement. Mention hot-topic state and local policy/legislation issues surrounding diversity, equity, teacher pay, etc. Biggest chapters are California, Indiana, Ohio, Georgia, Maryland, Florida AACTE State Chapters Private and Confidential
Social Media’s Impact Did you know that some 3.2 billion people use social media everyday? That’s more than 40% of the population! Private and Confidential
Twitter Analytics Private and Confidential
Twitter We looked at AACTE’s Twitter, as this is, by far, its most active channel. You have a solid base to work with, which is great news. Increasing AACTE’s reach through its state chapters will really boost numbers all the way around 89 new followers since March It’s our recommendation that every AACTE state chapter have its own social channels particularly Twitter and Facebook even if to simply retweet AACTE content at a minimum! Private and Confidential
Twitter Analytics On average, you receive 51,016 impressions per month
On average, you receive 49 new followers per month We looked at the months of the annual meeting, as these are your most prolific months out of the year. Months for the annual meeting are high-performing months. Chapters can also capitalize on large AACTE events like the Annual Meeting. Clearly, you can see by the numbers, they get attention. Large events garner more engagement! AACTE’s Annual Meeting performance surpasses its average by far. Months = annual meeting Private and Confidential
Twitter: What Kinds of Content Perform Well?
Events Annual Meeting – February 2019 Avg. Impressions: 851.4 Avg. Engagements: 17.6 Avg. Engagement Rate: 1.82 June 2018 Events Avg. Impressions: 790.9 Avg. Engagements: 9.44 Avg. Engagement Rate: 1.48 Policy-Oriented June 2018 Avg. Impressions: Avg. Engagements: 16.1 Avg. Engagement Rate: 1.34 Research Avg. Impressions: 1124 Avg. Engagements: 26.5 Avg. Engagement Rate: 2.25 Events, policy-oriented posts and research posts perform above average Explain impressions and engagements, perhaps take a few questions. Impressions: Number of times people saw the tweet on Twitter Engagements: Total number of times a user has interacted with a tweet (clicks, retweets, likes, etc.) Month Avg. Impressions Avg. Engagements Avg. Eng. Rate February 19 962.79 28.03 4.11 June 18 557.69 8.33 .96 Private and Confidential
Twitter Analysis: Types of Tweets
According to an AACTE social media audit: Average impressions and engagements are higher with photos and videos than text % Photo vs. Text impressions + 21% Video vs. Text impressions % Photo vs. Text engagements % Video vs. Text impressions Average impressions and engagements higher with photos than text. Video performs better than text as well on impressions and engagements, but not engagement rate. Means that to improve overall performance on the channels, you might want to do more photos and videos. Private and Confidential
What is Retweeted? Events like Washington Week and the Annual Meeting perform well in retweets. In June, policy performed well (there were far more policy-oriented posts). Do you want to engage more? Encourage more retweets? Think about categories of content that resonate. Private and Confidential
Hashtags Hashtags are about messaging and findability
Overall, should reflect strategic priorities Limit to 10 you use/reuse. Can use others, but sparingly. Use tools like to figure it out (see graphic) Hashtag use is sometimes inappropriate/incorrect (sometimes # instead Private and Confidential
AACTE Hashtags: #AACTENews #AACTEResearch #AACTEAdvocacy #teacherprep
#loveteaching #teachergoals #teachers #learners #educators #learning #principals Hashtag use is sometimes inappropriate/incorrect (sometimes # instead Private and Confidential
AACTE Hashtags: #diversityandinclusion #schoolsafety #specialeducation #publicschoolproud #accountability #teachers #makingadifference Hashtag use is sometimes inappropriate/incorrect (sometimes # instead Private and Confidential
Hashtags are NOT Created Equally
Were these needed? What’s your message here? This doesn’t help findability. Private and Confidential
Twitter Analysis: Content
These are the areas that get the most attention and where we should drive most of our focus. We will talk more about this later in the presentation. Private and Confidential
Facebook Analytics Private and Confidential
Again, this is a solid base
Again, this is a solid base. But we need consistency in cadence, curation and content. Close to 400 new likes since March! That is likely due to more posting of pertinent and valuable content. More consistency in posting leads to more likes and followers. That’s why a steady flow of content is so important. Facebook Private and Confidential
There is a steady cadence of curated, quality content.
Facebook Analytics 4/1-5/1 2019 Posts:24 Likes: 230 Numbers are higher now! Why? There is a steady cadence of curated, quality content. Last year you had 187 likes for the whole year! Just between April and May….we see 230 post likes! You can see between April and May there were 24 posts…that’s quite a lot considering June had 29 which were all centered around Washington Week. Steady flow of curated, quality content drives up the number of likes, shares and reach. Facebook is a great place to showcase policy issues, webinars, educator spotlights, videos, especially live ones. Talk about the importance of getting the word out by sharing and liking. Private and Confidential
Facebook Analysis On Facebook we focused on June and December of 2018 and April 2019. Chose June 2018 because of Washington Week-lots of posts surrounding events…biggest for AACTE Annual meeting, education based, policy-based, advocacy-based pieces do well. Private and Confidential
EdPrepMatters Analytics
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2000+Blog Posts! Blog: EdPrepMatters
Great opportunity to further state chapter reach. State chapter members link Interesting and pertinent thought leadership pieces through social media channels More than 2000 thought leadership pieces and advocacy news, events etc. This is also a great place for you to submit blogs to AACTE for posting. From there you can also tweet them with a link to AACTE’s national blog which has almost 40K subscribers. State chapter information can then be featured in the weekly e-blast of EdPrepMatters highlights Private and Confidential
Website & Blog Analytics
Twitter: % Facebook: % Conclusion-social is driving more strongly to the blog. Page views are up on the website and continue to rise. This is a great place to think about those boots on the ground stories –this content really drives views, likes and engagement up. The more engagement, the more chances from increasing membership +16.7% Private and Confidential -31.85%
Member Voices: very high numbers
Blog Analysis: Topics Member Voices: very high numbers Top three topics (of 13) Pay attention to member voices with 215 posts AACTE member surveys show that networking is a big benefit of membership Private and Confidential
What Should AACTE State Chapters Be Talking About on Social Media?
Boots on the ground stories Teacher recognition Educator spotlights Chapter news Noteworthy chapter events Policy oriented (e.g., disabilities) Congratulations Programs (e.g., Holmes Program) Research Thank you/acknowledgement Blog content As we move into the more detailed analysis, we started with the content. Talk about definitions of these categories. State-focused legislation specifically centered around equity, diversity, funding and teachers’ salaries. These kinds of items can come directly from chapters, not just AACTE as a whole. In fact, posts from chapters may be even more powerful and inspiring to get educators, etc. to become AACTE members. Private and Confidential
AACTE Key Messages* Diversity Equity High-quality learning
Professionalism/Ethics Accountability Educator preparation & development Principal support Strengthening public schools Private and Confidential * Derived from website and social media review.
Social Media Content Thought leadership articles or policy-oriented pieces Increase use of photos and videos Recorded videos Facebook Live Instagram Stories More integration of member and chapter news. Private and Confidential
Clear Calls to Action Sign up for newsletter/alerts
Follow us on social media Become an AACTE member Learn more about (XYZ) Meet us here… Nominations open for awards Learn about education-based legislation Register for AACTE webinars, events You do well here. Private and Confidential
What Do You Want to Accomplish?
Recruitment/membership Increase reach Creation of more AACTE chapters Influence education policy Brand building Increase visibility to educators Let’s have a discussion. Private and Confidential
Questions? Private and Confidential
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