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Section2 :Wave Properties Wave: disturbance that carries energy

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Presentation on theme: "Section2 :Wave Properties Wave: disturbance that carries energy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section2 :Wave Properties Wave: disturbance that carries energy

2 Mechanical Waves: Wave that carries energy through a material (medium)-air,water,metal
Types of waves: Pulse Wave: A single disturbance or wave Continuous Wave / periodic wave: A group of pulse waves or a bunch of waves

3 Transverse wave: Particle move up and down

4 Longitudinal or Compression Wave: Particles move back and forth

5 Surface Waves: Examples:
Surface Waves: Examples:

6 Earth Quakes S-Wave: Transverse wave P-Wave: Compression wave

7 Parts of Waves:

8 Wave Speed: Speed of the wave. ** Does not change in a medium**
 =    - Wave speed (m/s) or - Frequency (Hz) =  /T T – Period (sec) - Wave length (m) EX-1 ) Calculate the frequency and period of wave speed for the following situation.

9 EX-2) A piano emits a frequency that ranges from a low of about 28 Hz to a high of about 4200 Hz. Find the range of wavelengths in air from this instrument when the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s.

10 Wave Interference Waves at boundaries:
Incident wave – Wave approaching boundary Reflected wave – Wave after reflection Loose end Fixed end

11 Principle of Superposition: When two wave interact, the resultant wave is the sum of the two.

12 Constructive Interference:

13 Destructive Interference:

14 Standing Waves: happen when two waves of the same frequency and amplitude oppose each other and cause interference. Node: Nodes: Regions of destructive interference Anti Nodes: Regions of constructive interference.

15 Beats: Two wave that are very close in frequency causing distinctive collective regions of interference

16 Interference Patterns: Patterns created when the waves on 2 or more sources create repetitive regions of constructive and destructive interference


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