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The Middle Ages.

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1 The Middle Ages

2 What Are the Middle Ages?
A Period of time between the fall of the Roman Empire in 476CE and the Renaissance in the 14th Century in Europe Also called the medieval period

3 Early Middle Ages 400 to 900 CE called the "Dark Ages", due to the lack of literary and cultural output Charlemagne was an important leader from 768 to 814. King of the Franks 771 Used warfare to unite Germanic peoples and convert subjects to Christianity Europe also returned to the feudal system

4 High Middle Ages CE people were healthier due to warmer climate and the production of more food. Able to store extra supplies expansion of the population and cities A time of trade, exploration, education, and art The powerful Catholic Church promoted the Crusades military expedition by Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims

5 Late Middle Ages 1250-1500CE A period of famine, plague, and wars
Cooler climate forced many to abandon farming leading to famine The Black Death in 1347 killed more than 20 million people in Europe Church losses power as people lose faith Led to a positive change in social structure and eventually the Renaissance

6 The Feudal System The political, military, and social system in the Middle Ages Based on the holding of lands or titles in exchange for loyalty and products. A peasant, Knight, or noble known as a vassal received a piece of land in return for serving a lord or king.

7 Its All About Land Definition:
Vassal Lord Definition: a person granted the use of land, in return for loyalty, products and or military service to a lord How to become a Vassal: Receive land from a Lord in exchange for loyalty, goods, or military service can be a lord Definition: a person who has authority, control, or power over others and controls property rights How to become a Lord: Have land to grants to a Vassal in exchange for loyalty, goods, or military service can be a lord

8 Its Good To Be King Technically the King owned all lands so every Vassal was under his authority Any vassal could then be called on for military service He could revoke all land rights but then the people would rise against him (land bought loyalty)


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