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April 17th to 21st Mrs. Camarano’s Classes

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1 April 17th to 21st Mrs. Camarano’s Classes
Journals April 17th to 21st Mrs. Camarano’s Classes

2 4/17/17 Period 2 What do you know about the brain and how it functions? What is the extent of your knowledge on the brain? Can you name any parts of the brain? Reminder: Book Reports DUE FRIDAY-4/21

3 4/17/17 Period 3 What is your fractured fairy tale about? What popular fairy tale did you use? Was this a challenging assignment? Did you have fun with it? (I hope so!) Reminder: Book Reports DUE FRIDAY-4/21

4 4/17/17 Periods 6 & 7 If you were to write a different version of Cinderella, how would you change things up? Would Cinderella still marry a prince? What city would your story take place in? What types of characters would you have? Be specific. Reminder: Book Reports DUE FRIDAY-4/21

5 4/18/17 Period 2 Write 5 facts from yesterday’s article. What is something new you learned? Was there something you already knew? Reminder: Book Reports DUE FRIDAY-4/21 - You must do something different. -

6 4/18/17 Period 3 What was yesterday’s outcome? Whose story did you choose? What progress did you make? What steps do you still need to take with your script for the skit? Have you discussed props? Reminder: Book Reports DUE FRIDAY-4/21 - You must do something different. -

7 Reminder: Book Reports DUE FRIDAY-4/21 - Write/Type/Google Share -
4/18/17 Periods 6 & 7 How did it go yesterday? Did your group read your story? What do you think of your story? What are the similarities you’re noticing? What are the differences? Reminder: Book Reports DUE FRIDAY-4/21 - Write/Type/Google Share -

8 Reminder: Book Reports DUE FRIDAY-4/21
4/19/17 The first movie theater opened in New York City on April 23, Would you rather watch your favorite movie at the theater or at your own house? Explain. Reminder: Book Reports DUE FRIDAY-4/21

9 4/20/17: Book Fair Expectations
WRITE THE FOLLOWING (in blue-that’s your journal): We are there to browse. You may buy if interested. LOOK at the items, pick them up if you’d like, but be RESPECTFUL by not dirtying/ruining anything. Voices are quiet and calm. (We are not at recess.) 3 STOPS GOING: line up along classroom wall, top of stairs, library door 2 STOPS RETURNING: line up along brick wall, door into the building

10 Classroom Rules & Reminders
No more slime! Instant Lobby Lunch (distracting, on the carpet, messy papers/desks, not conducive to learning) No more fidgets! Instant Lobby Lunch (distracting, noisy, potentially harmful) When the teacher is talking, NO ONE ELSE is talking. (If I have warned you once already, prepare for a consequence.) If you have a comment/question, RAISE YOUR HAND. Use KIND WORDS to other students. (“If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it at all.”) No food or drinks (other than water) during class. Dismissed by ROWS!

11 Classroom Rules & Reminders
No more slime! Instant Lobby Lunch (distracting, on the carpet, messy papers/desks, not conducive to learning) No more fidgets! Instant Lobby Lunch (distracting, noisy, potentially harmful) When the teacher is talking, NO ONE ELSE is talking. (If I have warned you once already, prepare for a consequence.) If you have a comment/question, RAISE YOUR HAND. Use KIND WORDS to other students. (“If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it at all.”) No food, mints, or drinks (other than water) during class. Gum is not allowed at school! Ever! Instant Lobby Lunch

12 4/20/17 Journal Check! MUG Check: There are 18 MUGS!
Each MUG is 3 points each. That’s a total of 54 points! Leave your notebooks open on your desk to MUG #1. I will come around and check while you’re working on your Learning Log/Research.

13 4/21/17 FREE WRITE: Your Choice!
Just some suggestions: *Write a favorite party you’ve had/attended. *List your friends and an adjective for each. *Write about your favorite place to visit. *Make a list of places you want to go/things you want to do in your life.

Your name will be called AT RANDOM-be ready! During Presentations Write the person’s name. Write the book title. Write 2 observations about the project.

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