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Laws, Agencies and Treaties

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Presentation on theme: "Laws, Agencies and Treaties"— Presentation transcript:

1 Laws, Agencies and Treaties

2 Acts, Treaties and Agencies


4 Empowers and directs the EPA to
Ensure that pesticides are effective Ensure that safe handling, storage and disposal of the pesticides are available for users.


6 Empowers and directs the executive branch to
Research air pollution levels that are safe. Set air pollution standards Monitor air pollution levels. Enforce air pollution standards Educate the public about these findings


8 Identifies toxic waste sites
Fines polluters and directs clean up of the toxic waste sites


10 Empowers and directs the executive branch to
Research water pollution levels that are safe. Set water pollution standards Monitor water pollution levels. Enforce water pollution standards Educate the public about these findings

11 EPA

12 Agency that coordinates the administering of environmental laws.


14 United Nations subgroup created to coordinate global responses to environmental problems

15 CDC

16 Organization that monitors infectious diseases in the United States
Sets safety procedures to protect people from passing the diseases

17 ESA

18 Empowers and directs the Executive Branch to
Identify species that are endangered (USFWS, NOAA) Stop the killing, harming or harassing of endangered species Protect critical habitat so that the species numbers will improve and be taken off the endangered species list.

19 FD&CA

20 Empowers and directs the executive branch
To monitor the safety of drugs, food additives, medical devices and cosmetics Specifically prohibits the interference of government regulation of cosmetics.

21 FDA

22 Agency that monitors the safety of Drugs, food additives, medical devices and cosmetics.


24 European Union agreement that requires chemicals be tested before they are put in products.

25 Antiquities Act

26 Empowers the Executive Branch to set aside land as national monuments and national parks

27 Kyoto Protocol

28 International agreement to limit GHG to 1990 levels (350 ppm)

29 Lacy Act

30 Prohibits the trade or sale of listed species across state borders.


32 Law that created the EPA
Requires the monitoring of environmental harms Required and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for any large scale federal project. Allows citizens to bring lawsuits


34 Empowers and directs the executive branch to make and enforce rules to protect worker safety.


36 An international treaty to stop the sale and trade of endangered species

37 Wilderness Act

38 Used to protect land from ANY development, including roads, hotels, mining, hunting, etc.
The highest protection provided for nature Ecocentric Preservationist


40 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Agency
Makes and enforce rules to protect worker safety.


42 Requires Toxic Substances to be tracked from manufacture until disposal.

43 Fish and Wildlife Service

44 Monitors the habitats of wildlife
Controls hunting through permits Lists plants and animals on the endangered species list

45 Rio Earth Summit

46 International meeting at which the FCCC was created to find agreements on climate change

47 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

48 International agreement to limit the production of persistent organic pollutants. The main focus was on the “dirty dozen” including DDT, PCB, and Dioxin.


50 US Law that enables the EPA to regulate toxic chemicals in industry (not food, food additives, cosmetics, nor pesticides)


52 Monitors Ocean systems and organism
Lists marine organisms on the Endangered Species list


54 An agreement signed by most nations in the world to meet annually to develop international policy on climate change. This group actually makes rules and regulations for nations.


56 United Nations panel that reviews evidence on climate change
United Nations panel that reviews evidence on climate change. They make predictions and suggest solutions.


58 Agency that makes regulations on how food is grown and processed.
Regulates nutrition labels Certifies Organic Labels Determines how animals are treated in feedlots. Determines the level of use of antibiotics in livestock


60 Requires that all municipal (City) drinking water be tested for pollutants.

61 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

62 Creates rules to protect designated rivers from dams, canals, harbors or any major development.
Ecocentric Preservationist




66 Laws, Agencies and Treaties
With names

67 Acts, Treaties and Agencies

68 Antiquities Act

69 Empowers the Executive Branch to set aside land as national monuments and national parks

70 CAA

71 Clean Air Act Empowers and directs the executive branch to
Research air pollution levels that are safe. Set air pollution standards Monitor air pollution levels. Enforce air pollution standards Educate the public about these findings

72 CDC

73 CDC Organization that monitors infectious diseases in the United States Sets safety procedures to protect people from passing the diseases


75 CERCLA Identifies toxic waste sites
Fines polluters and directs clean up of the toxic waste sites


77 CITES An international treaty to stop the sale and trade of endangered species

78 CWA

79 CWA Empowers and directs the executive branch to
Research water pollution levels that are safe. Set water pollution standards Monitor water pollution levels. Enforce water pollution standards Educate the public about these findings

80 EPA

81 EPA Agency that coordinates the administering of environmental laws.

82 ESA

83 ESA Empowers and directs the Executive Branch to
Identify species that are endangered (USFWS, NOAA) Stop the killing, harming or harassing of endangered species Protect critical habitat so that the species numbers will improve and be taken off the endangered species list.

84 FD&CA

85 FDC&A Food Drug and Cosmetic Act
Empowers and directs the executive branch To monitor the safety of drugs, food additives, medical devices and cosmetics Specifically prohibits the interference of government regulation of cosmetics.

86 FDA

87 FDA Agency that monitors the safety of Drugs, food additives, medical devices and cosmetics.


89 FIFRA Empowers and directs the EPA to
Ensure that pesticides are effective Ensure that safe handling, storage and disposal of the pesticides are available for users.

90 Fish and Wildlife Service

91 USFWS Monitors the habitats of wildlife
Controls hunting through permits Lists plants and animals on the endangered species list

92 Kyoto Protocol

93 Kyoto Protocol International agreement to limit GHG to 1990 levels (350 ppm)

94 Lacy Act

95 Lacy Act Prohibits the trade or sale of listed species across state borders.


97 NEPA Law that created the EPA
Requires the monitoring of environmental harms Required and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for any large scale federal project. Allows citizens to bring lawsuits


99 NOAA Monitors Ocean systems and organism
Lists marine organisms on the Endangered Species list

100 OSHA

101 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act
Empowers and directs the executive branch to make and enforce rules to protect worker safety.

102 OSHA

103 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Agency
Makes and enforce rules to protect worker safety.

104 RCRA

105 Requires Toxic Substances to be tracked from manufacture until disposal.


107 European Union agreement that requires chemicals be tested before they are put in products.

108 Rio Earth Summit

109 International meeting at which the FCCC was created to find agreements on climate change

110 SDWA

111 Safe Drinking Water Act
Requires that all municipal (City) drinking water be tested for pollutants.

112 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

113 International agreement to limit the production of persistent organic pollutants. The main focus was on the “dirty dozen” including DDT, PCB, and Dioxin.

114 TSCA

115 US Law that enables the EPA to regulate toxic chemicals in industry (not food, food additives, cosmetics, nor pesticides)

116 UNEP

117 United Nations Environmental Programme
United Nations subgroup created to coordinate global responses to environmental problems


119 Framework Convention on Climate Change
An agreement signed by most nations in the world to meet annually to develop international policy on climate change. This group actually makes rules and regulations for nations.


121 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
United Nations panel that reviews evidence on climate change. They make predictions and suggest solutions.

122 USDA

123 United States Department of Agriculture
Agency that makes regulations on how food is grown and processed. Regulates nutrition labels Certifies Organic Labels Determines how animals are treated in feedlots. Determines the level of use of antibiotics in livestock

124 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

125 Creates rules to protect designated rivers from dams, canals, harbors or any major development.
Ecocentric Preservationist

126 Wilderness Act

127 Used to protect land from ANY development, including roads, hotels, mining, hunting, etc.
The highest protection provided for nature Ecocentric Preservationist

128 Acts, Treaties and Agencies

129 Antiquities Act

130 CAA

131 CDC



134 CWA

135 EPA

136 ESA

137 FD&CA

138 FDA


140 Fish and Wildlife Service

141 Kyoto Protocol

142 Lacy Act

143 NEPA

144 NOAA

145 OSHA

146 OSHA

147 RCRA


149 Rio Earth Summit

150 SDWA

151 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

152 TSCA

153 UNEP



156 USDA

157 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

158 Wilderness Act

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