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Migration What is migration?.

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Presentation on theme: "Migration What is migration?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration What is migration?

2 Define Migration Write down what you think migration is in the space provided.

3 Define Migration Migration is the movement of people between countries to live. Emigrate is moving away from a country. “E” as in exit. Immigrate is moving to another country. “I” as in into.

4 Class Migration Who has or whose parents have migrated to Australia from another country? Where from?

5 Mark it on your map.

6 Fill in your bar graph of the
Class Migration Fill in your bar graph of the class migration.

7 Why do people migrate? Think about your parents or people you know who have come from another country, why did they come?

8 Some Examples Fear of safety in their home country
Better opportunities To be closer to family who have already migrated Marriage For work or study For a change in lifestyle

9 Summary Migration is people moving from one country to another.
They may choose to do this for a variety of positive reasons or forced to by fear or their circumstances.

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