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Chemical Compounds of Life

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1 Chemical Compounds of Life

2 Organic vs. Inorganic Compounds
Organic Compounds- contain carbon Elements involved: C, H, O, N Monomers Macromolecules/Polymers Foods Monosaccarides carbs starches & sweets Fatty acids/glycerols lipids oily, greasy, fried foods Amino acids proteins meats & beans 4. Nucleotides nucleic acids Meat, fruits and vegetables, (DNA/RNA) whole grain Inorganic Compounds- do not contain carbon Elements involved: everything else Vitamins, minerals, water, carbon dioxide (CO2)

3 Water-Important Inorganic Compound
All living things need water Many biological processes only occur in water solutions With many unique properties

4 Structure & Properties of Water
Unequal sharing of electrons within bonds of water molecule Molecules with regions of partial positives and partial negative (polar molecule) Opposite charges attract Cohesion- attraction between molecules of the same substance

5 Cohesion Allows water to absorb large amounts of heat
Protect organisms from overheating!

6 Adhesion Adhesion- attraction between the molecules of another substance Makes water great solvent

7 Capillary Action Capillary Action- action of water being drawn up within small glass tube Caused by cohesion and adhesion

8 Capillary Action

9 Carbohydrates Monosaccaride- single sugars
ex. Glucose, fructose, galactose Disaccaride- composed of two monosaccarides bonded together ex. Maltose, sucrose, lactose Polysaccaride- complex carbs ex. Starch, glycogen, cellulose

10 Types of Sugars Simple Sugars: Complex Sugars:
Monosaccharides – get from fruits Glucose (C6H12O6) – molecular formula Galactose Fructose All the same formula, but each with a different placement of the H & OH Disaccharides – get from sweets Sucrose (table sugar) = 1 glucose & 1 fructose Maltose = 1 glucose & 1 glucose Lactose (milk) = 1 glucose & 1 galactose Complex Sugars: Polysaccharides – 500 to many thousands of glucose molecules Ex. Glycogen animals Ex. Cellulose plants Both are long, branched chains of glucose

11 Glucose Background info: Covalent Bonds (sharing e-) C - H single bond
Step to build a Glucose: Molecular formula C6H12O6 Make the structural formula Draw: Hexagon Draw: Oxygen in upper right corner Draw: Carbons in all other corners Draw: H & OH, alternating on the outside (then fill in the inside) Draw: CH2OH Show different ways Background info: Covalent Bonds (sharing e-) C - H single bond C = O double bond C = N triple bond Carbon (4 bonds) Oxygen (2 bonds) Hydrogen (1 bond) OH = hydroxide group

12 Dehydration Synthesis To put (organic molecules) glucose together
Take away water first & Hydrolysis (reverse of dehydration synthesis) To separate the glucoses from each other Adding water Steps: 1. Take out OH from one glucose 2. Take out H from an OH of the other glucose 3. Bond forms between atoms (C-O-C) 4. H2O forms ** always one less water molecule ** glucose C6H12O6 glucose C6H12O6 maltose C12H22O11

13 When C-O-C bonds are broken – energy is given off
(C-O-C) bond formation When C-O-C bonds are broken – energy is given off Energy given off is measured as… Calories- a unit of energy-producing potential in food

14 Lipids (fats) – organic molecules (macro) * made of C, H, O (H:O is 2:1) * examples – fats, oils, waxes Made up of 4 components: Glycerol fatty acids triglycerides/ H2O fat (lipids) molecules O HO – C – CX H2X+1 *Formula to make fatty acid tails* What do we use them for? Padding & insulation Source of energy (storage) – stored in the bonds Make up cell membrane (lipid bilayer) nutrient

15 Lipids Where do we get them? Types of Lipids
Oily, greasy foods (fried) Milk, dairy Animal fats (meat) Types of Lipids fats (triglyceride), phospholipids, steroids, waxes Saturated fats- fatty acids with single carbon to carbon bonds Unsaturated fats- one or more pairs of carbon atoms in fatty acid molecules are joined together by double bonds

16 Lipids (fats) ** dehydration synthesis **
Glycerol fatty acids fat/lipids H2O (triglycerides) molecs. Steps: 1. Take out OH from glycerol 2. Take an H from an OH of the fatty acid 3. Bond forms between (C-O-C) 4. H2O molecule produced O HO – C – Carboxyl group (organic)

17 Proteins – organic molecules (macro). chains of amino acids
Proteins – organic molecules (macro) * chains of amino acids *made of C, H, O, N * examples - enzymes, hormones, antibodies Where do we get them from? Meats, nuts, legumes (black beans & lentils), fish, beans, dairy, eggs What do we use them for? Growth, repair, maintenance Replace tissues in body (cellular level) Build muscle, enzymes, hormones Made up of 3 components: Nitrogen (amino) group (NH2) Carboxyl (organic) group (COOH) Amino Acids – 20 different types Sequence of AA’s makes one protein different from another

18 Proteins Amino acids- structural units of proteins
Peptide bond- bond that forms between amino acids as they are bonding together to form a polypeptide Polypeptide- long chain of amino acids Proteins are made of one or more polypeptides bonded together

19 Proteins all proteins are made of 20 AA’s!
Peptide bonds form between (AA’s) polypeptides C-N STEPS: 1. Take one OH from the organic group of on amino acid 2. Take one H from an amino group of another amino acid 3. C-N (peptide bond) forms 4. H2O molecule forms **Dehydration Synthesis & Hydrolysis AGAIN!**

20 Nucleic Acids Contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) & RNA (ribonucleic acid) DNA composed of a long chain of repeating units (nucleotides) Nucleotide- consist of 5 carbon sugar, nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group

21 Nucleic Acids DNA nitrogenous bases = adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine DNA nucleotides with deoxyribose sugar DNA consists of two strands with double helix shape

22 DNA Structure

23 Structure of RNA Single stranded Polymer of nucleotides too!
RNA nitrogenous bases: adenine, uracil, guanine, and cytosine RNA nucleotides contain ribose sugar Involved in protein synthesis

24 Structure of RNA

25 Enzymes Enzyme- protein substances that are necessary for most reactions to occur within living cells Not changed by reactions Catalyst- substances that bring about a reaction without being changed themselves (enzymes)

26 Enzyme Function Enzymes with active sites on their surface
Substrate molecules fit the shape of the active site When enzyme & substrate come into contact they temporarily bond which could cause substrate to break apart (or may cause two molecules to join)

27 What Effects Enzyme Function?
Amount of enzyme present Temperature (denaturation) pH Amount of substrate present Presence of coenzymes to allow enzyme to perform its function

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