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Review of Decision 2010/477/EU and MSFD Annex III

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Decision 2010/477/EU and MSFD Annex III"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Decision 2010/477/EU and MSFD Annex III
Informal meeting of the EU Water and EU Marine Directors Luxembourg, November 2015 Review of Decision 2010/477/EU and MSFD Annex III Current state of play European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit

2 The review Response to findings of Commission’s Art. 12 report – insufficient clarity and coherence in the determination of GES MSFD Regulatory Committee mandate in 2013 for review and possible revision of Decision 2010/477/EU and MSFD Annex III Three phases: Scientific and technical review Consultation Policy development

3 Main aims of revised Decision & Annex III
Simpler; Clearer; Introducing minimum requirements (to be enhanced by regions and MS, if necessary); Self-explanatory; Coherent with other EU legislation; Coherent with regional assessment methods (where EU methods do not exist); Include a clear and minimum list of elements and/or parameters per descriptor (e.g. specified lists of contaminants, species, litter types, etc.).

4 GES Decision review – progress
Phase 1 – scientific and technical reviews Technical review of Decision per Descriptor and Annex III – started in spring 2014, led by JRC and ICES and supported by expert networks and/or expert workshops MS and stakeholder comments on draft 'manuals' in period up to spring 2015 Manuals finalised for WG GES (April) and Committee (May 2015) Outstanding issues identified – short and longer-term actions, including further workshops on D1, D2 and D5 (September 2015)

5 GES Decision review – progress
Phase 2 – consultation and discussion Consultation with MS and stakeholders on manuals and Annex III May-July 2015 Compilation of comments and analysis – August-September Summary of comments to WG GES (October 2015)

6 GES Decision review – progress
Phase 3 – Policy development Presentation of overall principles underpinning review of GES Decision and first examples of descriptors 8 and 9 to MSCG (November 2015) First draft text of the proposal for a Commission Directive amending Annex III of MSFD to Committee (November 2015) Discussions within DG Environment and other DGs (e.g. SANTE, JRC, MARE) to ensure coherence with other policies (ongoing)

7 Phase III – outline of next steps/timing
Jan. 2016: first full draft text of Commission Decision to MSFD Committee, further discussion on Annex III proposal Feb. & April 2016: additional Committee meetings for discussion (if necessary) June 2016: possible vote in MSFD Committee Autumn 2016: formal adoption and publication (subject to favourable vote in Committee)

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