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Presentation on theme: "KORANA AMBROZIĆ & IGOR NIKIČIĆ"— Presentation transcript:

IVth International Conference Of Water Agency “Impact of international communication on our water footprint” Vodovod Ltd. and ES “Đuro Pilar” Slavonski Brod –A Good Practice Example KORANA AMBROZIĆ & IGOR NIKIČIĆ VODOVOD LTD. & ELEMENTARY SCHOOL “ĐURO PILAR” SLAVONSKI BROD OCTOBER 5TH 2018

2 IVth International Conference of Water Agency
October 5th 2018 Backround In the middle of 2014, the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) was built in Sl. Brod; PE - Third stage of treatment We have the responsability to inform and educate the local citizens about new WWTP It became an educational center with the involvement in the project “The water agent” and by the activity with the “Water agency”

3 IVth International Conference of Water Agency
October 5th 2018 Cooperation with… 1. Project “Water agent” September 26th 2016 Three schools from Slavonski Brod – 6 devices In the partnership with Water agency from Slovenia 2. World water day 2017 March 22th 2017 130 scholars came to visit WWTP Sl. Brod In the partnership with National Croatian Water Agency “Hrvatske vode” 3. European sustainable development week (ESDW) “Water agents of river Sava” June 1th 2017

4 IVth International Conference of Water Agency
October 5th 2018 Cooperation with… 4. Project “Water friends” Public competition for co-financing the projects of non-profit organization in the field of water management by National Croatian Water Agency “Hrvatske vode” Applicant: Non-profit organization “Academico” Slav. Brod Partners: Vodovod Ltd. Sl. Brod and Water Agency Aims of project: Raising awareness of the target group on drinking water status and adequate drinking water consumption Practical exercises at the Water station Outdoor education. Recycling waste materials, wastewater, WWTP..

5 IVth International Conference of Water Agency
October 5th 2018 Cooperation with… 6 devices for measuring the water flow in 2 schools – ES “Đuro Pilar” and “Hugo Badalić” – 95 scholars Paid bus for 52 scholars and they came to visit WWTP Sl. Brod

6 IV. International Conference of Water Agency
October 5th 2018 Cooperation with… 5. European sustainable development week (ESDW) June 8th 2018 In the partnership with Water agency from Slovenia Elementary school “Đuro Pilar” Water station, Eco riddle, small experiment-dirty water to clean, badges and etc. 110 scholars –from second to fourth class

7 IVth International Conference of Water Agency
October 5th 2018 “Canadian Hibiscus” WWTP Sl. Brod Thank you for listening!

8 A school where good ideas come true
„Djuro Pilar” primary school, Slavonski Brod, CROATIA A school where good ideas come true

9 For the past few years, our school has been focusing on the development of pupil skills in the STEM area. Sustainable development, protecting the environment and ecological awareness are our priority goals. We have been working on a series of projects and activities to raise the ecological awareness of our pupils and our local community. Starting in 2014 with “School in the forest, forest in the school” project, we started our cooperation with the Croatian forest company “Hrvatske šume” and continue the cooperation through the „Together for the school park” project that was financed by the Croatian National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society and HEP through the “Contribution to the community” programme. It is a project of building an educational QR park with autochthonous tree seedlings and aromatic plant spiral. Our school has also been participating in an IPA Interreg project “Smart schools” with a goal of upgrading school energetic efficiency and economical natural resources consumption.


11 This year we continue to follow our goals with “Open classroom” a project building a communal classroom for exploring the flora and fauna of our area „in situ”. We have also started an Erasmus+ KA2 project called The Green Micro:bit. Working with a Slovenian and Croatian school on upgrading the ecological capacity of our school and spreading sustainable development knowledge.

12 During 2018/2019 school year, our school has participated in the Water agent project in cooperation with Academico NGO and Vodovod d.o.o. Company. The project brought innovation to our Science classes, especially in lower grades (ages 7-11). Our pupils got a chance to see water meters for the first time and they found it interesting to see the amount of water they used. This is the first project on water preservation in our school. Visit of the ETOR during the European sustainable development week has given all of our pupils a chance to be acquainted with the water usage process, which was fun and educative for them.

13 Water agent 2017/2018

14 „Djuro Pilar” primary school is permanently and strategically investing in the ecological awareness of our pupils with a goal of developing young minds into capable, responsible European citizens who will ensure our efforts are sustainable in every day lives of our community.

15 A school where good ideas come true
„Djuro Pilar” primary school, Slavonski Brod, CROATIA A school where good ideas come true


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