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Diane Bialek – Director NGalloway

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2 Diane Bialek – Director NGalloway

3 We are landlords ourselves individually and as a company with over 30 years experience.
Manage and develop properties on behalf of landlords and ourselves. Offer everything that any other letting agent on the high street would in terms of managing and letting your property including HMO’s. Have an established portfolio of landlords on our books.

4 Result: Positive and consistent outcomes
Developing our business around Selective Licensing for 18 months. Established policies, procedures and efficient methods of addressing antisocial behaviour and recovering rent arears. Directors have a vested interest in community wellbeing and improving outcomes for all. Extensive knowledge and experience in working with outside agencies and Local Authorities. Commercial background, expertise and passion. Facilitate support and guide; tenants, landlords and Local Authorities Result: Positive and consistent outcomes

5 Nottingham is the 8th most deprived district in the country.
Why do we need a Licensing Scheme in Nottingham? Nottingham is the 8th most deprived district in the country. Nottingham scores poorly on 7 measures of deprivation, particularly: Income Health Crime Poor property conditions

6 Tenants Nottingham Education Landlords
Health & Wellbeing Local Authority Rent Safety of the property Property repairs and maintenance Disputes Complaints ASB “Legal proceedings” GPs Dentists Mental health Anti and post Natal care Sexual health Social Care Benefits ASB Team Family Care Waste removal “Legal proceedings” Emergency Services Voluntary Sector Nottingham Fire Police Ambulance Gas Electrical Water The Safe project, etc. Hospices Charity shops Forums Community groups Education Landlords Letting agents Nurseries Childminders Schools After school care Colleges Universities Rent Safety of the property Property repairs and maintenance Disputes Complaints ASB “Legal proceedings” Rent collection Tenant find Full management Maintenance Reference Inspections Deposits

7 What are the issues we are finding Relating to Tenants?
Rent Arrears Property Damage Complaints from Neighbours Tenants refusing the landlord access for inspections & repairs Tenants receiving legal aid to defend non compliant Section 21 Notices Total breakdown in communication and engagement with Landlord

8 What are the issues we are finding relating to Landlords?
Rent arrears & property damage No policies or experience in dealing Anti-Social Behaviour. Poor property conditions (out of date smoke detectors/mould etc.) Out of date Gas Safe Certificates, deposits not protected etc. No tenancy agreement or inadequate tenancy agreement Providing tenancies without adequate reference checks. Unclear and misuse of Section 21 Notices. No or little evidence to support any Notice issued. Landlords facing potentially large legal bills/prosecution.

9 Antisocial behaviour in Nottingham
January 2013 and December 2015 In total, reports of ASB against residential properties in Nottingham

10 Housing conditions in Nottingham
Nottingham city council received 7106 service requests regarding poor housing conditions between 2009 and 2015, 33% were attributed to private, residential properties. Excess cold Damp Condensation Fuel poverty Disrepair Many hazards, go unreported.

11 At typical day in the office… or more accurately… 9.57pm

12 Case Study – Multi Agency Approach
Complaint received from the neighbour (out of hours, by text) Initial investigation (with tenant and neighbours) Findings: Landlord £950 of rent arears. Property damage. Communication breakdown. Tenant Feels ganged up on. Living in disrepair. Rent arears. Personal and family issues Multi Agency Approach Neighbours Barking dog. Shouting and swearing. Inconsiderate parking. Excessive rubbish.

13 Emily Bairstow Nottingham City Council
ASB Investigator Selective Licensing Environmental Health and Safer Housing Community Protection

14 Agreed Action Plan

15 Agreed Action Plan

16 Agreed Action Plan

17 Investigation revealed
Case Study- Process Complaint received from the neighbour (out of hours, by text) Initial investigation (with tenant and neighbours) Process: Landlord Fully informed of every step. Tenant Consultation and investigation. Involving ASB officer and Housing Benefits. Neighbours Full investigation. Regular updates. Investigation revealed Family court proceedings. Relationship breakdown. Child removed from care.

18 Case Study- Outcome Complaint received from the neighbour (out of hours, by text) Outcome: Landlord Thrilled that £950 rent arears will be paid. Property maintained. Complaints stopped Rent now paid regularly. Tenant Action Plan agreed. Aware of what’s required. Do not want to make themselves intentionally homeless. Multi-Agency Support. Keeps in regular contact with Ngalloway. Neighbours Informed of outcome. Reported positive change. Thrilled and surprised that ASB stopped.

19 One very happy neighbour

20 NGalloway Resources- Cost £’s
Average Cost in resource time experienced by NGalloway to address anti-social behaviour using a multi-agency approach is approximately £600 per case.

21 Social Cohesion- Everybody’s Problem
Tenants: May have underlying issues and need support to be good tenants and deserve safe and well maintained properties. Landlords: Better tenants, nil rent arrears, safe and maintained properties, should equal improved profits. Local Authority: Need a mechanism to address issues resulting in anti- social behaviour which is costing all of us significant expense and not changing outcomes for some of the most vulnerable people in our community. Selective Licensing could be our opportunity to improve outcomes for us all.

22 Thank you for your time. We’ll be here to answer any questions.

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