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Hypothesis, Theory, Belief?

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1 Hypothesis, Theory, Belief?

2 Definitions 1. Hypothesis: A tentative statement such as ‘if A happens then B must happen’ that can be tested by direct experiment or observation. A proven hypothesis can be expressed as a law or a theory. A disproven hypothesis can sometimes be re- tested and found correct as measurements improve. 2. Theory: An explanation for why certain laws and facts exist that can be tested to determine its accuracy. 3. Belief: A statement that is not scientifically provable in the same way as facts, laws, hypotheses or theories. Scientifically disproven beliefs can still be held to be true.

3 Hypothesis, Theory, Belief?
Chocolate causes pimples Non-formalized hypothesis: it can be tested but doesn’t imply how to do so

4 Hypothesis, Theory, Belief?
There are such things as ghosts. Belief!

5 Hypothesis, Theory, Belief?
If leaf color change is related to temperature, then exposing plants to low temperatures will result in changes in leaf color Formalized hypotheses contain two variables. One is "independent" and the other is "dependent." The independent variable is the one you, the scientist control and the dependent variable is the one that you observe and/or measure the results.

6 Hypothesis, Theory, Belief?
Processing in the brain is accomplished by long fiber bundles that form webs, as well as in the dynamic electrical fields that surround these "trees". the processing occurring around these trees can influence those occurring in trees of nearby neurons with which whose dendrites are entangled but not in direct contact. In this way, processing in the brain can occur in a non-localized manner. Theory – this is the holonomic brain theory

7 Hypothesis, Theory, Belief?
Putting your clothing on inside out the night of a big storm will close school. Belief!

8 Hypothesis, Theory, Belief?
Venom is metabolically expensive and therefore used frugally through behavioral control. Hypothesis!

9 Hypothesis, Theory, Belief?
Knocking on wood will drive away malevolent spirits and prevent any potential misfortunes from occurring. Belief!

10 Hypothesis, Theory, Belief?
Many diseases are caused by the presence and actions of specific micro- organisms within the body of organisms. Theory! This is the Germ Theory of Disease

11 Homework Pages 1-2 #1-12 Environmental Metric Project Due Friday

12 they will perform better on a reading test
1.  A group of students were given a short course in speed-reading. The instructor was curious if a monetary incentive would influence performance on a reading test taken at the end of the course.  Half the students were offered $5 for obtaining a certain level of performance on the test, the other half were not offered money.  Hypothesis: If ____________________________, then _____________________________________________. Independent variable: Dependent variable: Experimental group: Control group: students are paid they will perform better on a reading test Amount of $ given to students Student performance (grades) Students receiving $5 Students not offered money

13 people are more likely to conform to their actions
2.  A social psychologist thinks that people are more likely to conform to a large crowd than to a single person.  To test this hypothesis, the social psychologist had either one person or five people stand on a busy walking path on campus and look up.  The psychologist stood nearby and counted the number of people passing by who also looked up. Hypothesis: If ____________________________, then _____________________________________________. Independent variable: Dependent variable: Experimental group: Control group: there is a crowd people are more likely to conform to their actions # of people looking up # of people walking by looking up 5 people looking up 1 person looking up

14 Independent variable: Dependent variable: Experimental group:
3.  To test a new voice feature in a cockpit design a flight simulator was used.  The simulator was programmed to give visual readings of flight information, or to give visual and auditory (voice) readings of flight information.  All test pilots were put through a simulated emergency landing procedure, but were randomly assigned to the visual, or visual and auditory conditions.  Flight experts rated each pilot’s performance in the simulator on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 10 (excellent). Hypothesis: If _____________________________________, then _____________________________________________. Independent variable: Dependent variable: Experimental group: Control group: visual & auditory readings are given pilots will perform better on simulations Type of reading(s) Pilot performance Visual and auditory readings Visual readings

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