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Bell Ringer Circle the correct answers and fill in the blank.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Circle the correct answers and fill in the blank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Circle the correct answers and fill in the blank.
Matter in the mantle is heated up by the [crust/core]. This heated material [rises /sinks] to the [crust /core]. The crust is [ hotter / cooler ] than the mantle, so the material cools down. The material then [rises / sinks] back to the core. This circulation of warm material rising and cool material sinking is called _________________________.

2 Agenda Plate Tectonics Notes BYOD
Quiz MONDAY on Notes, we will do a study guide tomorrow

3 Plate Tectonics

4 Plate Tectonics Plate Tectonics – the theory that Earth’s lithosphere is broken into large slabs of rocks called plates and are moved due to convection currents in the asthenosphere

5 Plate Tectonics There are a few major plates and lots of smaller plates Major plates: North American, South American, Eurasian, African, Antarctic, Indian, Australian, and Pacific plates

6 Plate Tectonics Plates move in different directions and speeds
Most plates only move 1-10cm/year This theory explains how and why continents move, so it replaced the theory of Continental Drift Plates interact with each other at their boundaries, which creates several landforms, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes

7 Divergent Divergent Boundaries
Divergent boundaries – two tectonic plates moving away from each other Diverge = move apart Divergent

8 Divergent Boundaries As the plates spread apart, new crust is created (seafloor spreading) Usually occurs between two oceanic plates, which creates mid-ocean ridges (mountains) on the seafloor

9 Divergent Boundaries Ridge Push – the pushing motion of mid-ocean ridges on the rest of the seafloor

10 Divergent Boundaries Example:
Mid-Atlantic Ridge – divergent mountain range that runs N/S through the Atlantic Ocean Longest mountain range on Earth

11 Divergent Boundaries Rarely occurs between continental plates
Exception: East Africa Rift Valley

12 Would you swim in a divergent boundary?

13 Convergent Boundaries
Converge = move towards each other Convergent boundaries – two tectonic plates moving towards each other convergent

14 Convergent Boundaries
Three types of convergent boundaries based on the types of crust involved Oceanic/Oceanic Continental/Oceanic Continental/Continental

15 Convergent Boundaries – Oceanic/Oceanic
Oceanic/Oceanic – subduction Subduction – when one plate slips beneath another plate Subducted crust melts into the mantle and is destroyed Slab Pull – the pulling motion of oceanic crust subducting under another plate

16 Convergent Boundaries – Oceanic/Oceanic
As the plate subducts, it creates deep-sea trenches As the subducted plate melts, magma is forced upward to form volcanic islands called island arcs

17 Convergent Boundaries – Oceanic/Continental
Oceanic/Continental – oceanic plate subducts The oceanic crust always subducts under the continental crust because the oceanic crust is denser

18 Convergent Boundaries – Oceanic/Continental
As the oceanic plate subducts, it creates deep-sea trenches As the subducted plate melts, it pushes up on the continental crust, creating mountain ranges and volcanoes on the continent

19 Convergent Boundaries – Oceanic/Continental
Example: Peru-Chile Trench off the coast of South America and the Andes Mountains on the continent

20 Convergent Boundaries – Continental/Continental
Continental/Continental – uplift Uplift – plates collide and are both forced upward Continental crust is too thick to subduct Edges of the plates are uplifted into mountain ranges

21 Convergent Boundaries – Continental/Continental
Example: the Himalayas, the tallest mountains on Earth

22 Convergent Boundaries – Continental/Continental
They are the result of the Indian plate slamming into the Eurasian plate

23 transform Transform Boundaries
Transform boundaries – two tectonic plates move horizontally (sliding) past each other transform

24 Transform Boundaries The Earth’s crust is deformed or fractured (not destroyed) Produce long faults and shallow earthquakes Most are parts of ocean ridges, rarely on continents

25 What kind of boundary is shown in each picture?

26 Interactive Earth Really take your time and look at each of the pictures and animations. You really need to be an expert in this info for the quiz and test! Turn into the basket when you are done


28 Do ALL work on a paper towel. Wash hands before and after lab.
You only get one candy bar, so follow steps carefully and don’t play around. If something happens to your candy bar, you DO NOT get another one. EACH MEMBER must perform the procedure on his/her own candy bar. DO NOT GET AHEAD OF YOUR GROUP! Do 1 step and answer the questions as a group before moving ahead to the next step. When you’re done, call me over for approval. ONLY THEN may you either eat your candy bar and begin cleaning up (procedures on back board). Failure to follow any of these rules may result in a ZERO for the lab!!!

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