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Fractions(1) Whole and part.

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Presentation on theme: "Fractions(1) Whole and part."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fractions(1) Whole and part

2 If China is the whole, then, Shanghai is the part of China.

3 My family

4 My family

5 My family

6 My family If my family is the whole, Then, … is the part of my family.

7 Whole and Part

8 Danny’s House Jerry’s House Jack’s House

9 Do it Each one choose a shape on the table.
1: Cut it into several parts. (No more than 5) 2: Combine all the parts you cut into an original shape. 3: Stick them on the white paper.

10 Compare Different Same Divide the whole into several equal
parts Divide equally. Different Same

11 Classify Divide equally Not divide equally

12 Say and Judge Say: If …….. is the whole, then ……. is the
(1) (2) (3) Say: If …….. is the whole, then ……. is the part of the whole. Judge: Which is divided equally?

13 Say and Judge Say: If …….. is the whole, then ……. is the part of the whole. Judge: Is it divided equally?

14 Wenlock Challenge1: Say and Judge
Say: If …….. is the whole, then ……. is the part of the whole.

15 Challenge2: Say and Judge

16 Homework To find the relationship of the whole and part at home and say to your parents.

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