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Menands Union Free School District

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1 Menands Union Free School District
Budget Workshop MarCH 11, 2019

2 Budget Reminders We will budget from the perspective of what we know to be true in the present moment. Though we will be cautiously optimistic about decreases in expenditures or increases in revenue, WE WILL NOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

3 Changes Since We Last Met
NYS Budget update and any impact. Expenditure & Revenue updates. Comprehensive review of Fund Balance. Continue discussion on closing the gap.

4 NYS Budget Update Reported revenue shortfalls & 30 day amendments
House Bills still being negotiated Update provided by Shelly Mayer – Senate Education Committee Chair

5 Expenditure & Revenue Updates
Expenditures Retirements Updated BOCES services to reflect pricing Reviewed and adjusted “contractual” & “material & supplies” Allocated eligible expenditures to appropriate grants Eliminated funding for School Resource Officer Revenue Review possible Tax Cap Scenarios

6 Comprehensive Review of fund balance projected

7 2019-2020 budget – draft 1 at the allowable cap
Draft 1 Revenue Budget 8,249,089 Draft 1 Expenditure Budget 9,369,905 Result in a Gap: (1,120,816) Result with Historic Adjustments ( 255,774) Historic adjustments have included: $815,042 of Assigned Fund Balance $ 50,000 Transfer from Reserve Resulting Gap would be ($255,774)

8 2019-2020 budget – draft 2 at the allowable cap
Draft 2 Revenue Budget 8,249,089 Draft 2 Expenditure Budget 9,123,748 Result in a Gap: (874,659) Result with Historic Adjustments ( 9,617) Historic adjustments have included: $815,042 of Assigned Fund Balance $ 50,000 Transfer from Reserve Resulting Gap would be ($9,617)

9 Closing the gap – tax cap scenarios

10 What we still do not Know
Adjustments to the Governor’s Proposal Foundation Aid Expense based aids Special education placements & transportation cost Certain contractual increases

11 Discussion among & direction from the Board

12 What we can expect at the next Budget Workshop…
NYS Budget update and any impact Draft 3: Review of overall spending plan

13 Questions & Discussion
Next Budget Workshop April 1, 2019

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