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Planning Best In-Class Promotions (ON-Premise)

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Best In-Class Promotions (ON-Premise)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Best In-Class Promotions (ON-Premise)

2 Best In-Class Promotions
Best In-Class Promotions are exciting, easy to execute, and generate revenue for both you and your customer. To ensure the success of your promotion, follow this process: Set an Objective Plan the Promotion Do Creative Development Execute the Promotion Evaluate the Promotion

3 Best In-Class Promotions
Set an Objective Making a short action plan before meeting your customer will guide the conversation towards the features and benefits of a promotion. Set a SMASH objective Assess ways that will increase brand presence with your customers (e.g., Secure summer window programming; feature pricing on Budweiser) Identify 1-2 key client needs (e.g., Drive traffic to location, increased average bar cheque size, grand re-opening, increased patio traffic) Organize a “Needs Assessment” meeting with your customer Set a goal tied to your customer’s need (e.g., 16% lift in average bar cheque) Identify a lead brand by determining which product has the highest volume sales potential for this client (e.g. Increase Keith’s draught sales by 20%) Discuss previous promotions to identify what’s worked, what hasn’t, and what can be adjusted or re-used Recommend a promotion that fits the objective

4 Best In-Class Promotions
Plan the Promotion With a little planning, your promotion will be easy to execute! Helping your POC prepare ensures that the promotion will look and feel professional. Determine your budget Estimate volume sales for the duration of the promotion (e.g., 14 hL in 90 days) Establish budget amount in-line with volume sales (e.g., 25% of Keith’s brand programming for year) Create Timelines Determine in-market dates Create an execution tracking sheet and share with POC Identify Materials Needed Create a list of supporting collateral that reinforces benefits of the lead brand Inventory materials from previous promotions that can be re-used Create Communications Checklist Create Staff sell sheet (includes pricing information, features and benefits) Schedule a meeting with Staff to introduce and launch promotion

5 Best In-Class Promotions
Do Creative Development It’s time to gear up! This is the really fun part, but be sure to remember to: Customize your Point of Sale materials (whenever appropriate) Determine the “call to action” that creates a reason to buy or “benefit” for customer (e.g., Value in price, opportunity to win.) Contact our in-house creative team led by Craig Norman—it’ll keep costs down, and make the process quicker Ensure your POS is clean and focused—choose one lead brand and stick with it! Get approvals from respective brand teams Get approval for use of any property logo (e.g., NFL) from brand property Legalize it! Ensure that your Point of Sale materials follow legal guidelines! Please contact the Labatt Legal department.

6 Best In-Class Promotions
Do Creative Development Legalize it! All contests must include basic information (either on the ballot or contest display): NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Must be legal drinking age. (included on contest display, ballot/scratch) Contest close date (included on contest display) Odds (included on core ballot /scratch; contact Legal for other types of contests) How to enter & how to win (included on core ballot /scratch) Skill testing question (included on core ballot /scratch) Approximate retail value of prize (included on contest display if more than $100, on core ballot /scratch otherwise) ON PREMISE ONLY!: The word "Buy" on any POS material must be daggered to a legal line that indicates no purchase is required (e.g., “BUY† A BUDWEISER for a chance to win†”). Contact Legal for any retail promotion. No “imperative to imbibe” in your promotion’s wording (e.g., Drink a Keith’s, get a prize) No depiction of a “skilled activity” in any images or written copy (e.g. beer on the football field)

7 Best In-Class Promotions
Execute the Promotion While the promotion runs, you’re critical to its success! A few touch visits go a long way to keeping your POC and their staff engaged and enthusiastic. Launch Introduce the promotion at a staff meeting, and ask POC to attach sell sheet to pay stubs Review the execution tracking sheet with POC Ensure POS materials are prizing are displayed in “hot spots” with high visibility Support Re-visit your POC and regularly pump-up staff to keep promotion strong! Periodically remind your customer to order incremental quantities of the promotional SKU(s)

8 Best In-Class Promotions Example: Keith’s Lobster Dinner (Sell Sheet)
1. The Lead-Up Promotion: 2. Lobster Dinner Execution: Support Tools: This summer, Alexander Keith’s is going to hold a Lobster Dinners in your Pub! During a 4 week promotion, launching June 15th , consumers who purchase an Alexander Keith’s IPA will each receive a Peel & Reveal game mechanic for a chance to instantly win a Keith’s glass or Keith’s leather coaster. Consumers will then fill out the back of the game mechanic with their information to enter in a draw for a Lobster Dinner for 2. Account to receive gift certificate for 50 lobsters, bibs, picks & crackers from Clearwater. They can either order live or cooked lobsters to be delivered directly to the account. 10 x Dinner for 2, given away as prizing 15 x Dinners for 2, to be used at the accounts discretion Account to provide side dish (vegetable / starch) Account to provide 1 Keith’s IPA with each dinner Each dinner guest receives a boxed Keith’s glass Description Quantity Gift Card for Lobsters 50 Lobster Dinner Tools: bibs, crackers & picks Lobster Dinner Tickets Boxed Glassware for Lobster Dinners Peel & Reveal game mechanic (pkg. of 100) 20 POS Prizing (glassware & leather coasters) 200 Customized POS (Banners, Posters, Tent Cards) $300

9 Best In-Class Promotions Set-up Example: Keith’s Lobster Dinner
Provide clear execution details and Staff Wearables: Use an execution tracking sheet to ensure you, the customer and the bar staff have clear execution details. Own the “Hot Spots”: Ensure POS materials are prizing are displayed in “hot spots” with high visibility (eg., Umbrellas, patio sides, tent cards on table) Communicate the Promotion: Customize branded POS (e.g., posters, banners and other signage) to communicate the promotion.

10 Best In-Class Promotions
Evaluate the Promotion Success! Your promotion is up and running! The best way to keep both you and your customer excited is to evaluate the results along the way, and celebrate success when it ends. No time like “real time!” Using your weekly tracker, check to ensure the promotion is meeting the objective— both yours (is the POC selling more volume?), and your customer’s (is the goal being met?) Make any necessary adjustments to better drive to the objective Wrap it up and follow up! Thank the staff for their support Track qualitative results and review with customer—did you meet your objective? Gather quantitative results with customer and gather feedback for the next promotion (e.g., Was the promotion easy for staff to execute? Did the promotion increase revenue and/or tips for servers?) Make notes for the next promotion

11 Examples of Tracking Results
1 Examples of how to qualitatively track results of program: Compare results for the promotional brand in executed versus non-executed POC’s. Compare program execution period versus prior period – ie. use Sales Bible to compare executed month versus prior month. Measure share and volume lift inside the POC versus YAGO. 2 3

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