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Sacramento Municipal Utility District

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1 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Creating a Customer Centric Culture Elisabeth S. Brinton, Chief Customer Officer SMUD Presentation 1.1.1 Powering forward. Together.

2 Topics to cover What is a customer centric culture?
Why should you care? Our approach Key learnings, successes and challenges Customer experience evolution: where do we go from here?

3 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
About SMUD

4 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
About SMUD Not-for-profit public utility Founded in 1946 Nation’s 6th largest community owned electric utility Operates under the authority of the California Constitution and the Municipal Utilities District Act

5 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
SMUD Snapshot Service area population Budget Employees 1.4 million $1.67 billion 2,034 Service area Customers Credit rating 900 square miles 599,826 AA- S&P A1 Moody’s A+ Fitch

6 Geography and SMUD Service Territory
Sacramento Municipal Utility District Geography and SMUD Service Territory SMUD Service Territory Sacramento, CA

7 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Diverse customer base Sacramento was cited by Time magazine as America's most ethnically and racially integrated city in 2002. Regional demographics African American: 10% Hispanic: 20% Asian: 13% Caucasian: 52% Other: 5% County population 1.45 million

8 Mix of customers served
Sacramento Municipal Utility District Mix of customers served Commercial customers drive our sales. Res: $569210M Comm: $695375M Quantity of segment served per quantity of meters, the following is the information: % Quantity Res: 88% % Quantity Commercial: 12% 600,000 meters 1.4M end-users

9 Why are We Building a Customer Centric Culture?
Sacramento Municipal Utility District Why are We Building a Customer Centric Culture?

10 SMUD’s business is transforming
New business models Distributed grid and energy storage Increased regulatory and legislative pressure New players/ competition in the market Customers with more choices and control Economic recovery Access to real-time, personalized information and solutions SMUD CUSTOMER = “I WANT WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT IT.” -- “Age of the Customer” with evolving, high expectations. -- Empowered customers with access to a proliferation of channels, information, and choices. -- Decision making by price, quality of life, greenhouse gas priorities, self reliance. SMUD BUSINESS = NO MORE CUSTOMER EXCLUSIVITY -- Decentralized generation, customer-owned generation, competitors entering energy space. -- Disintermediation -- Utilities required to lower GHG. SMUD customers expect SMUD to be environmental responsible. -- Competitors vying for customer attention, loyalty and revenue. -- Increasingly more regulated market for utilities. Other entities entering energy space not as regulated.

11 Leveraging new value streams to deliver innovative and personalized services requires a new approach
We are in a transition from a utility-centric industry to a more consumer-driven industry. The traditional utility of a “poles and wires” organization sending one-way energy to the customer is being displaced by service companies, both inside and outside of the traditional energy sector. Distributed generation, demand response aggregators, energy management companies, data companies, billing services, and many others are providing critical value-add services to utility customers. Customers are seeking partners to help them create the future they want for themselves. This expectation points to service innovation that goes beyond the status quo. Going beyond the status quo involves preparing an organization’s culture and staff for change.

12 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Distributed Environment We are entering an era of a distributed utility environment where we’ll have a much more diverse relationship with our customers. Customers are becoming more active participants on the grid, whether PEV, DG, DR, storage, or other options. The customer-utility relationship will be two-way, rather than the historical one-way. The number and variation of interactions with customers will grow. The one-size-fits-all approach won’t work in the future. Customers are demanding customization and increasingly complex services at competitive costs. Distributed generation, energy storage, and access to information shifts control to the consumer. The amount of information and technology available to customers means that their needs are more complex. The organization has to be prepared to serve this new, more sophisticated “customer of the future.” Base knowledge needs to increase. Job functions need to be modified. Some may require more and/or better tools. Cross-enterprise collaboration becomes even more critical to SMUD success.

13 Costs of negative experiences
Sacramento Municipal Utility District Costs of negative experiences Loss of customer loyalty and potential revenue erosion Lost revenue due to customer seeking alternatives, such as customer sited distributed generation Negative media Longer call processing time Added time for error correction Multiple contacts Increased back office work Complaints to Board, regulatory agencies, and others Claims against company Negative experiences decrease revenue and increase the cost to serve.

14 Elements of a customer centric culture
High Touch Relevance Transparency Flexibility Simplicity High Touch Evolve the service experience by exceeding expectations and engaging customers in a partnership through all levels Relevance Use knowledge of customers to provide targeted, valuable information Transparency Demonstrate to customers how you think and operate, especially with billing and rates Flexibility Build new processes and procedures with the customer in mind Simplicity Be ruthless in providing the most simple, easy and intuitive experience as possible

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