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Mrs. Uptergrove’s Class 15/12/2017

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1 Mrs. Uptergrove’s Class 15/12/2017
This Week’s Learning Contact Information Jenny Uptergrove Plan time: 2:00-2:50 Reading: I can talk about Mo Willems books. Math: I can work with a hundreds chart. LAST WEEK FOR ROCKET MATH Science: I can describe the different planets in our Solar System. . Important Dates May 16…Field Day May 18…Last day…3 hour early release Summer School May 30th-June 22nd Please sign up now if you want your first grader to attend SLearning Super Stars Notes To Parents: This is the last newsletter! Can you believe it? I can’t. It’s been a great year. Thank you for letting me your child’s first grade teacher. Please encourage your child to keep reading, writing, and practicing math facts over the summer.

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