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Direct Letters and Goodwill Messages

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1 Direct Letters and Goodwill Messages
CHAPTER 6 Direct Letters and Goodwill Messages

2 Writing Plan for Request for Information or Action
Opening Ask the most important question first or Express a polite command. Body Explain the request logically and courteously. Ask other questions if necessary. Closing Request a specific action with an end. date, if appropriate. Show appreciation.

3 Improving Openers for Routine Request Letters
Weak: I’ve been given the task of locating a convention site for my company’s meeting. I’ve checked a number of places, and your hotel looks possible. Improved: Will you please answer the following questions regarding possible accommodations at the Hyatt Regency for a conference in May.

4 Improving Openers for Routine Request Letters
Weak: While reading WIRED magazine, I noticed an offer of a free video describing your Web-building software. Improved: Please send me your free video describing your Web-building software.

5 Improving Closings for Routine Request Letters
Weak: Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience. Improved: Please send the video by August 15.

6 Improving Closings for Routine Request Letters
Weak: Thank you for your cooperation. Improved: Your answer to my inquiry will help me make my printer choice. Thanks!

7 Parts of a Business Letter

8 Remember to refer to Appendix A, Reference Guide to Document Formats, for more details on this topic.

9 Writing Plan for Direct Claim
Opening Describe clearly the desired action. Body Explain the nature of the claim. Tell why the claim is justified. Provide details regarding the action requested. Closing End pleasantly with a goodwill statement. Include end dating if appropriate.

10 Writing Plan for Replies to Information Requests
Subject Line Identify previous correspondence. Opening Deliver the most important information first. Body Arrange the information in a logical sequence. Explain and clarify the information. Build goodwill. Closing End pleasantly.

11 Writing Plan for Adjustments
Subject Line (optional) Identify previous correspondence. Make a general reference to main topic. Opening Grant the request or announce the adjustment immediately. Body Provide details about how you are complying with the quest. Strive to regain reader’s confidence. Include resale or sales promotion if appropriate. Closing Close courteously by summarizing your action request. Express confidence in future business dealings.

12 Writing Plan for Letters of Recommendation
Opening Identify the applicant, the position, and the reason for writing. Establish your relationship with applicant. Body Describe applicant’s job duties. Give specific examples of skills and attributes. Compare with others in field. Closing Summarize the applicant’s significant attributes. Offer an overall rating. Draw a conclusion regarding the recommendation.

13 Three Kinds of Goodwill Messages
Letters of appreciation to customers for their business, hosts and hostesses for their hospitality, colleagues for jobs well done, and individuals who have performed favors. Letters of congratulation for engagements, marriages, anniversaries, births, promotions, appointments, awards, any significant event. Letters of sympathy to console a friend, relative, or loved one.

14 Tips for Writing Goodwill Messages—The Five Ss
Be selfless. Discuss the receiver, not the sender. Be specific. Instead of generic statements (You did a good job), include special details (Your marketing strategy to target key customers proved to be outstanding). Be sincere. Show your honest feelings with conversational, unpretentious language (We're all very proud of your award). Be spontaneous. Strive to make the message natural, fresh, and direct. Avoid canned phrases (If I may be of service, please do not hesitate ). Keep the message short. Remember that, although they may be as long as needed, most goodwill messages are fairly short.

15 Goodwill Messages: Cards or Personalized Letters?
It's wonderful to visit with someone as nice as you– You make your guests feel so at home by everything you do. So this just comes to thank you in a warm and special way– For your hospitality was enjoyed much more than words can say! Typical Greeting Card Thank-You Message

16 Personalized Thank-You Letter
Dear Professor and Mrs. Shelton: Thanks for inviting the other members of our business club and me to your home for dinner last Saturday. The warm reception you and your wife gave us made the evening very special. Your gracious hospitality, the delicious dinner served in a lovely setting, and the lively discussion following dinner all served to create an enjoyable evening that I will long remember. We appreciate the opportunity you provided for us students to become better acquainted with each other and with you. Sincerely,

17 Writing Thank-Yous Cover three points in gift thank-yous.
Identify the gift. Tell why you appreciate it. Explain how you will use it. Be sincere in sending thanks for a favor. Tell what the favor means to you. Avoid superlatives and gushiness. Maintain credibility with sincere, simple statements.

18 Writing Thank-Yous Offer praise in expressing thanks for hospitality. As appropriate, compliment the following: Fine food Charming surroundings Warm hospitality Excellent host and hostess Good company

19 Answering Congratulatory Messages
Respond to congratulations. Send a brief note expressing your appreciation. Tell how good the message made you feel. Accept praise gracefully. Don't make belittling comments (I'm not really all that good!) to reduce awkward-ness or embarrassment.

20 Extending Sympathy Refer to the loss or tragedy directly but sensitively. In the first sentence mention the loss and your personal reaction. For deaths, praise the deceased. Describe positive personal characteristics (Howard was a forceful but caring leader). Offer assistance. Suggest your availability, especially if you can do something specific. End on a reassuring, positive note. Perhaps refer to the strength the receiver finds in friends, family, colleagues, or religion.

21 Grammar/Mechanics Checkup 6
Review Sections in the Grammar/Mechanics Handbook  Complete 15 statements, p. 168.  Check your answers against those provided at the end of the book.

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