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Conventional Current.

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Presentation on theme: "Conventional Current."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conventional Current

2 When we speak of the current flowing in a circuit, we mean the direction positive charge would flow.

3 Important: Current is not a vector, it’s a scalar!!!!

4 Important : In any single circuit, the current at any instant is the same at one point as at any other point!!! This follows from the conservation of electric charge.

5 Ohm’s Law: Resistance and Resistors

6 Definition of Resistance

7 Ohm’s Law The current through a metal conductor is proportional to the applied voltage.

8 Resistivity


10 Conceptual Example: Stretching Changes Resistance
A wire of resistance R is stretched uniformly until it is twice its original length. What happens to its resistance?

11 Effect of Temperature

12 a – temperature coefficient of resistivity is positive for metals and negative for semiconductors.

13 Superconductivity

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