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LHBC Adult Sunday School Week 5 Galatians 3:1-4:7

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1 LHBC Adult Sunday School Week 5 Galatians 3:1-4:7
Book of Galatians



4 Galatians 2:17-21 Paul answers objection (2:17-18)
Paul’s own Justification experience (2:19-21) Paul had died to the law Been crucified with Christ... So that I may now live by faith Christ’s death is meaningless if righteousness is obtained through the law (2:21)


6 Outline of 3:1-4:7 Apology from Logic (3:15-18)
Apology from Experience (3:1-5) Apology by Scripture (3:6-14) Positive Example of Abraham (v. 6-9) Negative Example of Works of the Law (v ) Apology from Logic (3:15-18) Purpose and Place of the law in salvation history (3:19-4:7) Because of transgressions (3:19-23) Our Guardian (3:24-29) Our Trustee (4:1-7)

7 Gal 3:1-5 Apology from Experience
6 Rhetorical Questions: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law or by believing what you heard? Paul reminds them of their salvation experience- they received the Spirit when they believed by faith Having the Spirit is proof that one is a child of God (Rom 8:9 )

8 Gal 3:6-14 Apology from Scripture
Positive Example of Abraham (3:6-9) And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.  (Gen 15:6) Those of faith are sons of Abraham, including the Gentiles

9 Gal 3:6-14 Apology from Scripture
Negative Example from Works of the Law (v ) One is cursed if one fails to obey ALL aspects of the law (Deut 27:26) The righteous will live by faith (Hab 2:4) Living by the law to attain righteousness is not a life of faith (Lev 18:5) Christ became a curse for us (Deut 21:23)

10 Gal 3:15-18 Apology from Logic
Unconditional Covenant with Abraham (Gen 12:1-2, 15:1-21, 17:1-22) Conditional Covenant with Moses came 430 years later! Later covenant cannot replace former! Promise to Abraham, law given to Moses all point to the offspring/Seed who is Christ! (v. 16)

11 Gal 3:19-4:7 Purpose and Place of the Law in Salvation History
Why was the law given at all? Because of transgressions …. (3:19) To restrain sin To define sin To stimulate sin …. until the offspring should come Acted as our paidagogos until Christ come (3: )

12 Paidagōgos (3:24-25) ”guardian” (ESV, NIV, NLT) “tutor” (NKJ)
“schoolmaster” (KJV) Job of a slave to guide, correct and discipline the child

13 Galatians 3:26-29 Through faith, we are IN Christ (v.26-27)
IN Christ, there is unity among God’s people (v.28) IN Christ, we are spiritual descendants of Abraham, and heirs! (v.29)

14 Gal 3:19-4:7 Purpose and Place of the Law in Salvation History
Acted as our paidagogos until Christ come (3:24-29) Acted as our epitropos and oikonomos (4:2) “guardians and managers” In a legal sense for inheritance purposes Our adoption is complete with the Spirit in us (4:6)

15 Homework Read Galatians Focus on 4:8-31

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