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Access Services Customer Satisfaction Survey Summary of Recommended Topics Community Advisory Committee July 9, 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Access Services Customer Satisfaction Survey Summary of Recommended Topics Community Advisory Committee July 9, 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access Services Customer Satisfaction Survey Summary of Recommended Topics Community Advisory Committee July 9, 2019

2 Customer Satisfaction Survey Topic 1 – Is the respondent Medicare Eligible?
62b. How do you receive health care? Or what type of health insurance do you have? 1. Medicare 2. Medi-CAL 3. Private Health Insurance 4. None 5. Other (Write down customer’s response) This was a question brought up by TPAC. At our last CAC meeting, I think we refined how to ask this question. THE RESULTS I would hope for would be that if Access could seek reimbursement from Medicare, an argument that we could use would be that “60% of our eligible customers are Medicare eligible,” for example.

3 Topic 2 – Eligibility Appeals Process
Eligibility has not been a topic of the Customer Satisfaction Survey Propose a separate Survey focused on Eligibility and Eligibility Appeals This was a recommendation from Wendy. I think that this is a very important topic. To ask about the Eligibility Process and also the appeals process. I reviewed the questionnaire and there are NO questions on eligibility or appeals. This is probably because most of our customers have not recently gone through the eligibility process. I would say this may be a better topic for a separate targeted survey to applicants who recently went through Access’ eligibility process.

4 Topic 3 – “Where’s My Ride” experience
51a. Have you used Access’ Mobile App, Where’s My Ride, which helps you determine how soon your van will arrive for a scheduled pick-up? 1. Yes 2. No 51a-1. Do you like or dislike the Where’s My Ride mobile app? 51a-2. Have you had any issues with the Where’s My Ride App that you would like to share? 1. No 2. If Yes, type verbatim respondent’s issue: 99. (Refused) (Do not read) These are a series of questions related to Where’s My Ride. Is there more you would like to see here? I am trying to cover all of the topics with the fewest number of questions (least amount of time) for the respondent.

5 Topic 4 – Comfort of the Vehicle
Please tell me whether you were … very satisfied … somewhat satisfied … neither satisfied nor dissatisfied … somewhat dissatisfied … or very dissatisfied with …? (ROTATE AND READ QUESTIONS) Very Smwht Smwht Very (D.K/ Sat Sat Neither Dissat Dissat Ref) 15. Appearance of vehicle 16. Comfort of the vehicle 17. Cleanliness of vehicle 18. Did you have any difficulty or problems getting into or out of the vehicle? 1. Yes 2. No This series of questions was in Access’ 2017 survey. I wanted to know if these questions met the goal posed by Comfort of Vehicle. I believe that this question also came from WENDY.

6 Topic 5 – Access Trip Length
3. Compared to taking the bus, would you say the travel time for your most recent trip with Access was …? (READ CHOICES) 1. Shorter than taking the bus 2. About the same as taking the bus 3. Longer than taking the bus 99. Don’t know/Don’t Remember (DO NOT READ) The question that was asked is: “Do you feel that your trips are too long?” As you may know, Access’ standard is with fixed route service. If this does not meet what you were looking for, what more specific data would you want to ask?

7 Topic 6 – Seat Belt Extensions
Seeking clarification on objective of this question. Is this a question of “safety?” Is this question specific to customers who may have specific safety concerns? The question (from OLIVIA) related to Posey Belts or Seat Belt Extensions. Not knowing what data was wanted for this question, I did not feel that any questions that I drafted responded to what the CAC was looking for. Please let me know if this is a topic that CAC would want to pursue and for what information.

8 Topic 7 – Questions About More Than One Access Trip
The current (2017) survey has questions on the following: “Last Trip” on Access, and “Overall Opinion” on Access. Should this be asked a different way? So, the 2017 survey has questions on a rider’s “last trip” as well as their “overall opinion” on how Access is doing. Would you like something else for customer opinions?

9 Topic 8 – Demographic question on gender identity
62.a Would you identify yourself as one of the following categories (READ CHOICES) 1. Gay 2. Lesbian 3. Transgender 98. Other response What is the data sought from this question? There was a request to include Transgender information (Wendy). We can ask a question such as this, however, I would ask what Access would use with this data. We do ask race, gender, and income which give us broad categories of our customers. I guess what I would like to know is what would the CAC like to see from the answer to this question?

10 Topic 9 – Stranding Experiences
33. Have you ever called Access Operations Monitoring Center (OMC) because you needed to reschedule a trip or due to a missing a trip that left you stranded? 1. Yes (ASK Q.34) 2. No (SKIP TO Q.37) This is a question already in the 2017 script. After this question, the questions ask the respondent of their experiences with OMC. Was there something else you wanted from the topic of Stranding?

11 Topic 10 – How long have you been an Access customer?
1. Approximately how long have you been using Access Paratransit? (READ CHOICES) 1. Less than one year (CONTINUE) 3. One year to less than two years (CONTINUE) 4. Two years to less than three years (CONTINUE) 5. Three years to less than five years (CONTINUE) 6. Five years to less than ten years (CONTINUE) 7. Ten years to less than fifteen years (CONTINUE) 8. Fifteen years or more (CONTINUE) 97. Don’t use Access (THANK AND TERMINATE) 99. Don’t know/Don’t Remember (CONTINUE) I adjusted the question to reflect Access’ current population. As of now, 48% of Access customers are “5 or fewer,” 80% are “10 or fewer”, 91% are “15 or fewer” and less than 10% are 16 or more years. Is this satisfactory? Years with Access Number of Customers % 0 6,057 4% 1 11,472 8% 2 12,826 9% 3 13,474 9% 4 13,864 9% 0-5 5 13,965 9% 48% 6 12,486 8% 7 9,699 7% 8 11,454 8% 9 9,270 6% 0-10 10 5,080 3% 80% 11 4,492 3% 12 3,386 2% 13 2,303 2% 14 2,445 2% 0-15 15 3,233 2% 91% 16 3,426 2% 17 1,928 1% 18 1,380 1% 19 1,211 1% 0-20 % 97% % % % % % 147,008

12 Additional Survey Topics
Discussion: Seek questions from the CAC membership

13 Thank you Seek questions from the CAC membership

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