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Landings at Children’s vs UW Intramural Field

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1 Landings at Children’s vs UW Intramural Field
# of Landings by Diagnosis Landings at the helistop at Children’s must meet agreed upon medical criteria, and only occur for the most critical medical conditions. Any one of the following conditions authorizes landing at Children’s helistop: unstable airway, inability to ventilate or maintain oxygenation, inability to maintain adequate cardiac output, inability to maintain adequate cerebral blood flow, persistence of unstable vital signs. % of Cases Ending in Death This is our annual 2002 report to the community concerning the emergency medical helicopter landings at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center. In addition, a summary of flight activity is published on a bi-annual basis by Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, WA.

2 A summary of flight activity
August 2003 Dear Neighbors: Enclosed you will find our latest report detailing emergency medical helicopter landings at Children’s Helistop and the University of Washington’s Intramural field. This report includes summary information about the landings in 2002, as well as information about landings over the last twelve years I hope you find this historical perspective of particular value in evaluating overall landing trends. A Medical Review Committee which includes neighbors, meets twice a year to review in more detail information about landings. We are committed to ensuring that this special emergency service is used appropriately, as it makes a tremendous difference in life threatening situations. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Suzanne Petersen, Director of Community, Government Affairs and Advocacy at or Sarah Erickson, Assistant Director of Community, Government Affairs and Advocacy at Thank you, Richard Molteni, MD Vice President and Medical Director Seattle, WA 4800 Sand Point Way NE A report to the community summarizing the emergency medical helicopter landings at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center A summary of flight activity Overview of 1990 –2002 Details of 2002 As a neighbor of Children’s, you may be interested to learn more about the lifesaving emergency medical services that the hospital provides to children in our region. The following information summarizes the use of the helistop at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center. NONPROFIT ORG. Permit No. 8225 Seattle, Wash. U.S. Postage PAID

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