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University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Department of Economics

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1 University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Department of Economics
ECON 130 (003): Principles of Economics (Micro) Gerard Russo Lecture #4 Thursday, January 22, 2004

2 LECTURE 4 Introduction to Supply and Demand Analysis

3 The Determinants of Demand
Price Price of Related Goods Income Tastes Other Factors

4 Isolating Effects Ceteris paribus Other things being equal
Other things held constant

5 The Determinants of Demand
Price (-) Price of Related Goods Complements (-) Substitutes (+) Income Normal Goods (+) Inferior Goods (-)

6 Demand Functions Q = f(P, I, PC, PS, etc.)
The quantity demanded of a good or service is a function of price, income, the price of complementary goods and services, the price of substitute goods and services, et cetera.

7 Russo’s Demand Schedule for Mai Tai Cocktail’s
Price ($ per drink) Quantity (number of drinks per day) $12.50 $9.50 1 $7.00 2 $4.50 4 $2.75 6 $1.50 9 $0 14

8 Russo’s Demand per Day for Mai Tai Cocktails

9 The Law of Demand An increase in price leads to a decrease in the quantity demanded other things held constant. A decrease in price leads to an increase in the quantity demanded other things held constant.

10 The Law of Demand $/Q P0 P1 Demand Q1 Q0 Q

11 The Law of Demand $/Q P1 P0 Demand Q0 Q1 Q

12 $/Q D2 D1 Q The Impact of an Increase in Income on the Demand for a
Normal Good $/Q D2 D1 Q

13 D1 D2 The Impact of an Decrease in Income on the Demand for a
Normal Good $/Q D1 D2 Q

14 $/Q D1 D2 Q The Impact of an Increase in Income on the Demand for an
Inferior Good $/Q D1 D2 Q

15 $/Q D2 D1 Q The Impact of a Decrease in Income on the Demand for an
Inferior Good $/Q D2 D1 Q

16 $/Q D2 D1 Q The Impact of an Increase in The Price of a Substitute
on the Demand for a Good $/Q D2 D1 Q

17 $/Q D1 D2 Q The Impact of a Decrease in The Price of a Substitute
on the Demand for a Good $/Q D1 D2 Q

18 $/Q D1 D2 Q The Impact of an Increase in The Price of a Complement
on the Demand for a Good $/Q D1 D2 Q

19 $/Q D2 D1 Q The Impact of a Decrease in The Price of a Complement
on the Demand for a Good $/Q D2 D1 Q

20 The Determinants of Supply
Price Price of Inputs Weather Other Factors

21 The Determinants of Supply
Price (+) Price of Inputs (-) Wage Rate Rental Price of Capital (interest rate) Energy Cost Material Cost

22 Supply Function QS = f(P, w, r, etc.)
The quantity supplied of a good or service is a function of price, the wage rate, the interest rate, the prices of other inputs, et cetera.

23 Supply Schedule for Petroleum
Price ($ per barrel) Quantity (millions of barrels per day) $2.50 $4.50 1 $7.00 2 $18.50 7 $22.75 16 $31.50 23 $38.00 40

24 Supply of Petroleum per Day

25 The Law of Supply $/Q Supply P1 P0 Q0 Q1 Q

26 An Increase in Supply $/Q S1 S2 Q

27 A Decrease in Supply $/Q S2 S1 Q

28 Market Equilibrium $/Q Supply Pe Demand Qe Q

29 $/Q Supply P0 Pe Demand QS QD Qe Q Economic Surplus
Puts Downward Pressure On Price $/Q Supply P0 Pe Demand QS QD Qe Q

30 $/Q Supply Pe P1 Demand QD QS Qe Q Economic Shortage
Puts Upward Pressure On Price $/Q Supply Pe P1 Demand QD QS Qe Q

31 $/Q Supply PFLOOR Demand QS QD Q A Price Floor Above the
Equilibrium Price Generates An Economic Surplus $/Q Supply PFLOOR Economic Surplus Demand QS QD Q

32 $/Q Supply PCEILING Demand QD QS Q A Price Ceiling Below the
Equilibrium Price Generates An Economic Shortage $/Q Supply PCEILING Economic Shortage Demand QD QS Q

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