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Presentation on theme: "PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE"— Presentation transcript:


2 Parliamentary Procedure
By Jerrell D. Gray

3 Purpose of Parliamentary Procedure
To influence the thoughts and actions of others in a democratic manner

4 Democratic Principles
Fair Discussion Free to debate Majority right to decide Minority right to opinion Majority must rule fairly and justly Minority must abide once vote is taken

5 Why Parliamentary Procedure?
Develops good citizenship Conduct effective and efficient meetings

6 Methods of Voting Voice Ballot Roll Call General Consent Rising(show of hands)

7 Rules for Voting Tie Vote = Motion Fails
Majority = More than half the votes cast Plurality = More Votes than any other candidate Two Thirds = 2/3 of the votes

8 ** President may vote when by ballot and when the vote will change the results.

9 Steps in presenting a Motion
1. Rise and Address the President Mr./Mdm. President 2. Receive Recognition Barrett, Chris, Cody 3. Make Motion “ I Move That .....”

10 Steps (cont.) 4. Second Motion Mr.President ,“I second the motion.”
5. Statement of the Question “It has been moved and seconded that..”

11 Steps Following the Presentation of a Motion
Debate Putting the Question “Those supporting the motion that... say Aye : Those Opposed say no.”

12 Debatable Amendable Majority vote
MAIN MOTION Purpose: To Present an Item of business for consideration and action. Debatable Amendable Majority vote

13 Unamendable Majority Vote LAY ON THE TABLE
Purpose: to temporarily delay action on an item of business Undebatable Unamendable Majority Vote

14 Previous Question ? Unamendable requires a 2/3 vote Undebateable
Purpose:to terminate discussion and secure an immediate vote. Undebateable Unamendable requires a 2/3 vote

15 REFER TO A COMMITTEE Purpose: To place an item of business temporarily in a committee in order to:


17 Secure more detailed information
Ensure Privacy in dealing w/delicate matters Allow for more informal discussion Get a recommendation from a smaller group Give a committee power to act

18 AMEND Purpose: To Modify (change) a motion that is under consideration
Debatable AMENDABLE (to the 2nd Rank Only)


20 POINT OF ORDER Purpose: To Call Attention to a violation of the rules or a mistake in procedure. Undebatable Unamendable NO Vote Required NO Recogniton Necessary May interupt a speaker

21 Appeal From The Decision of the Chair
Purpose: To Obtain a decision from the chapter to a question which the President has made a decision. Debatable Unamendable Majority or tie Vote Sustains the chair.

22 TERMINOLOGY: Mr. President; I Appeal from the decision of the chair Mr. President I Second the Appeal

Purpose: to permit the chapter to do something that cannot be done without violating its standing rules. Undebatable Unamendable Majority Vote Following Action Rule is back

24 Division of Assembly Purpose: To obtain a more accurate vote, especially when taken by voice. Undebatable Unamedable No Vote Required

25 Parliamentary Inquiry
Purpose: To permit a member to gain parliamentary information. Undebatable Unamendable No Vote Required No Recogniton necesssary May interupt a speaker

26 LEAVE TO WITHDRAW Purpose: To permit a member to withdraw a motion that is under consideration. Un - Debatable Un- amendable Majority vote

27 Nominations & Elections
Purpose: To present the name of a candidate for a certain office or position. To open nominations- main motion to elect. Pres. opens nominations. NO SECOND REQUIRED

28 Can be nominated by a committee or from the floor
Candidates voted on in the order in which they were nominated

29 requires a motion undebatable amendable to time only
Close Nominations requires a motion undebatable amendable to time only requires a 2/3 vote

30 motion& majority Vote Undebatable Amendable to time Only
Reopen Nominations: motion& majority Vote Undebatable Amendable to time Only

31 Take From the Table Purpose: To again bring a question before the chapter for further consideration Cannot be done until some business has been transacted since it was tabled Undebatable/Unamendable Majority Vote

32 RESCIND Purpose: To Cancel action taken by the chapter
Debatable/Amendable Majority vote w/ previous notice. 2/3 vote with out previous notice

33 Reconsider Purpose: To permit the reconsidering of a vote previously taken and to again reconsider the question. debatable/Un-amendable Majority vote Only on the day or the next day Can be offered by those who voted on the prevailing side

34 Discharge A Committee Requires a motion debatable/un-amendable 2/3 vote ********************** must Make a new motion if you want the item to occur.


36 Privileged Motions

37 Adjourn Purpose: To terminate(close) the meeting Undebatable
Unamendable Majority Vote

38 Characteristics of a TEAM member
Well developed voice Willingness to work Calmness and Self Confidence Capability of learning Parl. Proced. Team Spirit

39 Characteristics of a Presiding Officer
Well Developed Voice Willingness to Work Fair & Impartial Judgement Ability to Learn Parliamentary Proced. Neat Appearance Skill In Leading People Have Self Confidence


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