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Read, Write, Inc. Phonics @ Bierton Parent workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Read, Write, Inc. Phonics @ Bierton Parent workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read, Write, Inc. Phonics @ Bierton Parent workshop

2 Why have we introduced Read Write Inc. Phonics at Bierton?
Whilst our original scheme, Letters and Sounds, achieved good phonics teaching and learning, we found that the children were not applying it to their writing. We had heard so many positive comments surrounding the level of progress children made with their reading and writing, when using Read Write Inc, that, after visiting other schools already using RWI, we decided to invest. All KS1 staff (TAs and teachers) including SLT have received intense training and are all qualified to teach RWI. We receive regular visits from our trainer who helps us to ensure we are delivering the programme effectively.

3 What is phonics?

4 What is RWI phonics?

5 Not just about phonics.. So much more! It’s about...
Reading comprehension Writing Compositional elements of writing An entire literacy programme

6 Programme progression
In Reception all children: ​Read storybooks and non-fiction books closely matched to their developing phonic knowledge Take home Phonics storybooks to share  Read with fluency and expression Learn to spell using known sounds  Write confidently by practising what they want to write out loud first  Work well with a partner By the end of Year 1 all children: Are accurate and speedy readers

7 How is RWI taught at Bierton?
All EYFS and KS1 children were assessed in Autumn 1. This identified their baseline (entry to the programme). Based on their assessments, children were grouped and taught in ability groups. Children were reassessed in Autumn 2 to identify progress made. As a result, groups have changed and children are in new groups, again based on their ability.

8 Groups are very fluid and children will continue to move based on the level of progress made.
Children are taught RWI daily for one hour (20 minutes in Reception). One hour lesson consists of: - 10 minutes Speed Sounds practice - followed by a wide range of reading and writing activities

9 One day plan Red Ditties

10 Three day plan Green, Purple, Pink and Orange

11 Five day plan Yellow, Blue and Grey

12 Insert pic of 3 day and 5 day plan

13 SET 2 SOUNDS ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oy SET 3 SOUNDS ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur, er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure

14 Speed Sounds lesson

15 Fred talk

16 Reading books As mentioned previously, your child will only be bringing home a book with sounds in which they already know and can blend. We have adopted the ‘Goldilocks’ approach to reading. The book is just right, not too hard and not too easy. They should be able to read 90% of the text. Reading at home is to be a celebration of the children’s progress in learning. LAST AND PAST – In addition to their current book, children may bring home a book which they have already read, and/or a library book. You can compliment this at home with story books.

17 Red Ditties (Reception)
Reading books Red Ditties (Reception) Once children know all Set 1 sounds and can blend, they can begin to read the Red Ditty books.

18 Reading books Red Ditties are followed by a series of decodable storybooks. Each colour gets progressively more challenging. Books will be sent home once they have been read 3 times at school: Read 1 – accuracy Read 2 – fluency Read 3 – fluency and expression Encourage expressive reading when listening to your child read.

19 Reading books .... from Purple

20 Reading books .... to Grey

21 Spellings Your children will be learning new sounds (spelling rules in Year 2) every week. Weekly sounds are sent home on a Friday, again as a celebration and to keep you updated on which sounds your children have learnt. Spellings will not be sent home to learn for a test as was done previously.

22 Writing Each decodable storybook is accompanied by a Get Writing! book. The children will complete all of their writing within these books.

23 How can you support your child at home?
- Teaching Set 1 sounds If you are unsure of how to pronounce the phonemes (sounds), visit the Ruth Miskin website and watch the video below:

24 How can you support your child at home?
- Teach Blending Visit and click on ‘Downloads/videos’ to find more useful videos.

25 Our aim at Bierton Following the RWI programme, we are
aiming for all children to: read easily, fluently and with good understanding acquire a wide vocabulary develop a habit of reading widely and often write coherently clearly and accurately use discussion to learn

26 The story so far.... Within just 7 weeks...
82% of children were below when baselined, 66% are Now working at expected level or above! 18% of children in Reception moved from the A band into B or C There has been accelerated progress in Year 2. When baselined, only 13% of children were at the expected level, now 65% of children are working at expected or above!


28 Please take your time to visit the teachers and they will show you
through the resources and also showcase a couple of the teaching strategies. Feel free to ask any questions.

29 Th - a- nk You

30 Year 1 – Miss Nutbrown and Mrs Alder
Reception – Miss Bell Year 1 – Miss Nutbrown and Mrs Alder Year 2 – Mrs McCartney



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