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PRTR in the Netherlands

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1 PRTR in the Netherlands
Country experience on E-PRTR and LCP data quality assurance: the Netherlands wish list Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Wim van der Maas, Program manager PRTR 16 June 2016 Wim van der Maas, 15 Nov. 2011

2 Content E-PRTR QA/QC Time line Data used versus data available
Short term wishes Long term wishes Utopia

3 E-PRTR QA Member state perspective: EEA checks on 2014 dataset
March 2016: busy checking the 2015 data set Very expensive to correct an error later: facility + competent authority has to approve Their focus is on the next dataset Receiving every year 90% the same remarks (earlier responses on remark of previous years are not taken into account) Better: Include as many as possible checks in the automated one during (and before) delivery Make this check available for the member states before the upload Make (some of) them optional Ask directly feedback on the results (was this check useful) as a questionnaire EEA checks on 2014 dataset March 2016 Automated checks XML scheme validation Outliers Some checks not used (NUTS3) Aug informal review Country specific .doc and .xls Based on 2014 data only Compared with national NECD/CLRTAP, EU MM/UNFCCC and EU ETS Nov final report Presented in the E-PRTR committee Taking trends Including reactions from MS on informal review? 2nd Eionet NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution June Wim van der Maas

4 QA timeline EEA checks on 2014 dataset March 2016 Automated checks
Data used EEA checks on 2014 dataset March 2016 Automated checks XML scheme validation Outliers Some checks not used (NUTS3) Aug informal review Country specific .doc and .xls Based on 2014 data only Compared with national NECD/CLRTAP, EU MM/UNFCCC and EU ETS Nov final report Presented in the E-PRTR committee Taking trends Including reactions from MS on informal review? NL 2014 NL 2014 EU 2014 NECD, MM, ETS EU 2014 EU 2014 EU 2014 EU 2014 EU 2014 EU 2014 2nd Eionet NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution June Wim van der Maas

5 Data availability Available data not used Data used EEA checks on 2014 dataset March 2016 Automated checks XML scheme validation Outliers Some checks not used (NUTS3) Aug informal review Country specific .doc and .xls Based on 2014 data only Compared with national NECD/CLRTAP, EU MM/UNFCCC and EU ETS Nov final report Presented in the E-PRTR committee Taking trends Including reactions from MS on informal review? NL Facility time series check NL ETS 2014 Facility ETS check NL 2014 NL 2014 NL LCP 2014 Facility LCP check NL UWWTP 2014 Facility UWWTP check EU 2014 NECD, EU-MM National total checks NECD, MM, ETS MS-response to checks Learning checks EU 2014 EU 2014 EU 2014 EU 2014 All this information (and more) is available before the automated check in March. EU 2014 EU 2014 2nd Eionet NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution June Wim van der Maas

6 Short term wishes Current situation
31 March 2016: busy checking the 2015 data set, not the 2014 Expensive to correct an error later: facility + competent authority has to approve Their focus is on the next dataset Receiving every year 90% the same remarks (earlier responses on remark of previous years are not taken into account) Better: Include as many as possible checks in the automated ones during delivery Even better: make checks available for the member states before the upload Make (some of) them optional (NUTS3) Focus on missing values, help the member states Ask directly feedback on the results (was this check useful) as a questionnaire 2nd Eionet NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution June Wim van der Maas

7 Long term wishes Integrated reporting for facilities (to reduce red tape) First good step: LCP/E-PRTR Next step: including IED Including UWWTP, CLRTAP Large Point Sources Including ETS-reporting Including permits Better: Exclude all non-obligatory information … (to create a level playing field) Make production-information and energy-use obligatory (so real QA/QC and benchmarking becomes possible!) 2nd Eionet NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution June Wim van der Maas

8 Utopia One data-model and datamapping for all reporting (INSPIRE?)
Integrate with EUROSTAT statistics (waste, economical parameters) Use NGO’s for validation, let facilities publish unvalidated data Intergate all emission reporting into one Kyoto and NEC for national emissions All facility-data into one tool Integrate top down and bottom up Create one Guidebook 2nd Eionet NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution June Wim van der Maas

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