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Last time: The Bill of Rights

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Presentation on theme: "Last time: The Bill of Rights"— Presentation transcript:

1 Additional Amendments: 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 24th, & 26th extending voting rights

2 Last time: The Bill of Rights

3 This time: Amendments that came after the Bill of Rights

4 Change to the Constitution
Amendment Amendment = Change to the Constitution

5 This time: Amendments that came after the Bill of Rights

6 Benchmarks: SS.7.C.3.7 Analyze the impact of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th amendments on participation of minority groups in the American political process. SS.7.C.3.5 Explain the constitutional amendment process.

7 The Constitutional Amendment Process
2/3rds of the Congress, 3/4ths of the States

8 The Civil War Amendments: 1865 - 1870

9 13th Amendment 1865 – Abolished Slavery

10 14th Amendment 1868 – Helping the newly freed slaves

11 14th Amendment 1868 – Defines citizenship

12 14th Amendment 1868 – State Laws
Before the 14th only federal laws had to be constitutional

13 14th Amendment 1868 – Equal Protection Under the Law

14 15th Amendment 1870 – Right to vote for African American Men

15 19th Amendment 1920 – Right to vote for Women
Suffrage = the right to vote

16 24th Amendment 1964 - No Poll Taxes
Poll Taxes: States charged $ to vote to try to stop African Americans from voting

17 Voting Rights Act of 1965

18 26th Amendment - 1971 Lowered Voting Age from 21 to 18
“Old Enough to Die Old Enough to Vote” – rallying cry during the Vietnam War

19 Review: Which amendment defines citizenship?
The 14th

20 Review: Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
The 19th

21 Review: Which amendment gave African American men the right to vote?
The 15th

22 Review: Which amendment said that state laws must be constitutional?
The 14th

23 Review: Which amendment ended slavery?
The 13th

24 Review: Which amendment lowered the voting age to 18?
The 26th

25 Review: Which amendment outlawed poll taxes?
The 24th

26 Review: Which amendment said that there must be equal protection under the law?
The 14th

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