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O6 Planning for valorization and sustainability

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1 O6 Planning for valorization and sustainability
Leader: GAK

2 Aim of this output The aim to ensure sustainability in every partner country even if it does not belong to the 2 target countries. In the first activity we will produce a digital textbook for teachers, based on the developed content in three languages (EN/HU/MK). We expect three benefits from this product: From one hand it serves as a worldwide dissemination tool of the results as it will be distributed on the Internet. From the other hand it will give a possibility for a final review and improvement of the learning content. Finally, it will include the experiences of the pilots, a summary of the evaluation by the external participants, the representatives of the target group, what gives a further added value to the former results.

3 O6-A1 Authoring, review and publish AgroTeach 4
O6-A1 Authoring, review and publish AgroTeach 4.0 digital textbook (EN/HU/MK) Responsible: CAPDM The tested and reviewed learning content will be published in the form of digital textbook (by using Creative Common Licence) freely available for teacher and students as well. The language versions will be localised according the special characteristics of target countries. Indicators: 150 A4 p. EN/HU/MK 30 July 2019 The e-book as publication form differs significantly from the publication of the content in the e-learning environment. It needs extra editing works by using special authoring software (like InDesign), it will not contain the multimedia elements (or may be, but it is a question decide later), it needs a lot of extra work, needed for publishing a traditional book. The figures, pictures usually had to be recreated, as they are displayed online in another technical form as in a “printed” book, what is the same in the case of a pdf documents.

4 O6-A2 Agreement: Intellectual Property Rights
Responsible: AGFT The partnership has to elaborate a copyright agreement … 30 July 2019

5 O6-A3 Planning sustainability and valorization
Responsible: GAK 31 August 2019 In this activity every partner will summarize the experiences, benefits gained (or not) during the project work. What was the added value of the two years long collaboration – also to a wider community - , is there anything to mention what we learnt from each other. At the same time, every partner will elaborate a sustainability plan for the future, how the products can be utilized in its further activity, does it contribute to its business or not.

6 Events Multiplier events Hungary (GJMSZI) 30, Macedonia (FACE) 20 participants 15 August 2019

7 PLANS FOR THE FUTURE … We always like to implement projects that lead to new and preferably extended activities, based on good reference of previous ones. National level (HU) Using results Online collabosration platform Expanding usergroups of the InnoLearn Claster, or other community of practice, Training materials (online, handbook) „Advisors for Farming 4.0” course (M2, M3, M1 reworked), Advisory system, national AKIS – training of farm advisors, Chamber of Agriculture, new service providers network (from 2018) under EU subsidised farm advisory services Others: adult education programme for small and family farms Forwarding methodology experiences, e-competency map, recommendations DAS, Digital welfare program Agro ICT Cluster (

8 PLAN FOR THE FUTURE European level AgroWeb CEE (NGO?)
FAO VERCON, eLearning

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