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Orang-utan By Owen Boyer.

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Presentation on theme: "Orang-utan By Owen Boyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orang-utan By Owen Boyer

2 Fact about orang-utan The orang-utan, with its distinctive red-orange hair, is the only ape that inhabits Asia. Weighing up to 90 kg (200 lb.), the Bornean orang-utan is about m tall ( ft.) with an arm span as long as 2.5 m (8 ft.).

3 What makes an orang-utan special?
In times past orang-utans were not killed because the indigenous peoples felt the orang-utan was simply a person hiding in the trees, trying to avoid having to go to work or become a slave.

4 Where Do Orang-utan's Live?
Orang-utans are slow moving animals, and spend up to 60% of their day feeding and foraging, and the other 40% resting or sleeping.

5 What do they eat? Orang-utan eat 60% of died fruits.

6 what is the scientific name for an orang-utan

7 Is the orang-utan under threat?
Some of the orang-utan are under threat but not all. People is going there and killing them.

8 Interesting fact about orang-utan
An orang-utan is expected to live in their true habitat between 35 to 50 years (when not having their lives interrupted by poachers or other humans). There are cases of orang- utans in captivity living over 50 years–but what kind of life is that? Give me 35 years of freedom instead of 50 years in a cage. Male orang-utans reach a height of approximately 4.5 feet and females about 3.5 feet tall. Orang-utans are sometimes referred to as “red apes.” Orang-utans breed slower than any other primate and have approximately 3 offspring in their lifetime. Female orang-utans usually have one baby at a time (but have been known to have twins in captivity) and will only have one every 7 to 9 years.

9 bibliography Wikipedia Google Orang-utan facts

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