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¿Cómo se Llama? What is his or her name?.

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Presentation on theme: "¿Cómo se Llama? What is his or her name?."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¿Cómo se Llama? What is his or her name?

2 Questions to Know Respond with Me llamo… (my name is)
¿Cómo te llamas? What is your name? Respond with Me llamo… (my name is) ¿Cómo se llama? What is his or her name? Respond with Se llama… (his or her name is) ¿Cómo se llaman? What are their names? Respond with Se llaman… (their names are)

3 How would we ask what his name is? How would we say what his name is?

4 How would we ask what her name is? How would we say what her name is?

5 How would we ask what Their names Are
How would we ask what Their names Are? How would we say what Their names Are?

6 How would we ask what her name is? How would we say what her name is?

7 How would we ask what her name is? How would we say what her name is?

8 How would we ask what their names Are
How would we ask what their names Are? How would we say what Their names are?

9 How would we ask what his name is? How would we say what his name is?

10 How would we ask what her name is? How would we say what her name is?

11 Page 8 in the book Tengo que irme= I have to go.
Buenos días= Good morning/good day. Buenas tardes= Good afternoon. Buenas noches= Good evening/night. Adiós= Goodbye. Hasta luego= See you later. Hasta mañana= See you tomorrow. Hasta pronto= See you soon. Nos vemos= See you. Tengo que irme= I have to go. *** Señor= Mr./sir Señorita= Miss Señora= Mrs/Ma’am

12 How do we say… How would we say ‘good morning’ to Mrs. Stone?
How would we say ‘good evening’ to Jimmy Fallon? How would we say ‘see you tomorrow’ to Ms. Haines? What was the slang phrase for ‘hey’? What was the slang phrase for ‘what’s up’?

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