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Teaching gateway math courses at City Tech

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching gateway math courses at City Tech"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching gateway math courses at City Tech
Finding the right mix of carrot and stick Ezra Halleck

2 Active learning techniques
Webwork: discussed/reviewed at every session Flipped classrooms: videos and attached questions Exam corrections Openlab: posts Portfolios: collected and graded after each exam

3 problem: low participation
Some possible ways to increase participation: more nuanced grading scheme: min(effort, quiz/exam grade +10) Buddy system: pair responsible student with irresponsible Make knowledge/understanding of syllabus part of exams (QL issue) Incorporation of games

4 Accounting nightmare 5 or 6 auxiliary tasks each session per student
150 supplementary assessments for each student over a semester 5000 extra assessments for one section

5 Proposed solution: Make students responsible for their own accounting
Incorporate into the portfolio Your role becomes that of auditor

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