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Let’s Make a Deal!.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Make a Deal!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Make a Deal!

2 What You Need to Know SS5H5b. Analyze the main features of the New Deal; include the significance of the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Works Progress Administration, and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

3 Think, Pair, Share… What would you do if you were the president during the Great Depression? How would you try to help people? First, think and write down a few sentences describing your ideas.

4 The Situation

5 Who was the president that had to make those decisions?
President Herbert Hoover was first. Did he do a good job? Then came Franklin D. Roosevelt.

6 What could he do?

7 Civilian Conservation Corps
Often called CCC It employed over 3 million people! New Jobs Help the Environment

8 How can I remember the CCC?
CCC, Help the Trees! What does the C say? C is for Civilian C is for Conservation C is for Corps

9 Tennessee Valley Authority
Often called TVA New Jobs Electricity to Homes

10 How can I remember the TVA?
Let it flow! Down the Tennessee valley! TennessEE VallEY AuthoritY For ElectricitY

11 Works Progress Administration
Often called WPA Employed over 8.5 million people! New Jobs Schools, Bridges, Art, and More!

12 How can I remember the WPA?
What’s the WPA A A A A A? It’s a way for us to fix our economy Cause the workers gonna build roads with their bros And we’ll shake it off, shake it off. So the Works Progress Administration’s Gonna help us with our situation And men will get back to work work work work We’ll shake it off, shake it off.

13 Alphabet Soup F.D.R. created lots of programs like CCC, WPA, and TVA
They make everyone’s life better AND get people back to work. All together, his programs are called “The New Deal.”

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