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Overview of iPSC applications in biomedical research.

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1 Overview of iPSC applications in biomedical research.
Overview of iPSC applications in biomedical research. General scheme of experimental workflow of iPSC use for modeling diseases or for the derivation of cell products for cell therapy. First, somatic cells of various sources (e.g. blood cells, fibroblasts) are isolated from the patient (1). They are then reprogrammed to iPSCs with reprogramming factors using various delivery methods (lentiviral vectors, episomal vectors or Sendai viruses) (2). Isogenic pairs or iPSCs can be generated through gene editing to either correct the mutation in disease iPSCs or to introduce it in normal iPSCs (3). Upon in vitro differentiation into the appropriate cell type (4a and 4b) the cells can be used for either cell-replacement therapy (5a) or disease modeling (5b) applications. Maria Georgomanoli, and Eirini P. Papapetrou Dis. Model. Mech. 2019;12:dmm039321 © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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