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Types of Writing.

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1 Types of Writing

2 Types of Writing Narrative Descriptive Expository

3 Narrative is storytelling - Doesn’t matter whether that story is fact or fiction.
Includes details that tell a beginning, middle and end Shows the author’s thoughts and feelings Elaborates on events Can be 1st or 3rd person point of view

4 Argumentative – Express and opinion/tries to convince the reader
Ever try to convince anyone of your point of view? If you try to influence an audience to do something, buy something, support something or someone or believe something, you need and argument. (Claim, position, viewpoint.) If you do any convincing verbally, that would be Persuasive Speaking. If you were to write those same words down, that would be Argumentative Writing.

5 Descriptive - Might be narrative or expository too.
Paints a picture in the readers’ minds, and that the writer uses colorful language to tell what a person, place, thing, or idea is like “Shows” rather than tells Description uses details attained from the five senses to give the reader a "word picture" of a setting, an object, a person, or whatever it is that is being described.

6 Expository Explains an event, concept, or idea using facts and examples, definitions of terms Has a major purpose presenting information about a specific subject/topic. Tells what happened when (gives the facts) . . . Explains how to (gives directions) …Informs how to (makes idea clear)… Most of the writing we do is expository. When we do EXPOSitory writing, we are EXPOSing the reader to specific information.

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