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Presentation on theme: "BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction Barriers means hindrances/difficulties/hurdles/problems.
The factors which may cause miscommunication are known as Barriers. Barriers adversely affect the transmission of information from sender to the receiver.


4 Barriers may arise at any level…
Sender’s level : Organizing/formulating thoughts, ideas and message Encoding the message Selecting the channel Receiver’s level : Receiving the message Decoding the received message Understanding and interpreting the message

5 Classification of Barriers
Organizational Intrapersonal Interpersonal

6 Intrapersonal Wrong assumptions Varied perceptions
Categorical Thinking ** Socio-Psychological Barrier.

7 Interpersonal Physical barriers - Noise - Distance & Time
Semantic barriers - Language differences - Use of technological jargons - Inadequate knowledge and vocabulary - Differences in interpretation. Cross Cultural barrier - Prejudices - Behavior and belief

8 Organizational Long scalar chain Poor spatial arrangement
Information overloaded Poor Facilities

9 Preventive measures against communication barriers/ How to overcome communication barriers?

10 Intrapersonal barriers
- Broad outlook - open to change & new ideas - Evaluation only after complete knowledge - Being impartial & unbiased - Ignore emotional approach

11 Interpersonal - Being careful , precise and brief.
- Using language and words familiar to the receiver - Making proper use of connotative and denotative words Translating message correctly Create an open communication environment Always keep the receiver in mind Beware of language

12 Organizational Shortening the chain of communication Flexibility in the channels of communication Proper spatial arrangement and facilities.

13 Thank you..


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