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Intel Confidential 11 The K-12 Computing Blueprint for eLearning Initiatives Effectively Implementing Technology: K-12 Case Study A Student Centric Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Intel Confidential 11 The K-12 Computing Blueprint for eLearning Initiatives Effectively Implementing Technology: K-12 Case Study A Student Centric Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intel Confidential 11 The K-12 Computing Blueprint for eLearning Initiatives Effectively Implementing Technology: K-12 Case Study A Student Centric Approach

2 Intel Confidential 2 Shifting the Learning Paradigm

3 Intel Confidential 33 Leadership

4 Intel Confidential 44 Leadership: The Challenge Inspire, Guide, and Build Systemic Change Identify stakeholders –Superintendent–Teachers – Other Partners –IT Department–Students –CFO–Board Members –Principals–Parents/Guardians –Department Heads–Community Leaders Build a task force Develop teacher buy-in Create a strategic and sustainable plan Involve people, process, technology, and data Maximize communications

5 Intel Confidential 55 Leadership: Showing the Way Change the Culture Time: Promote time flexibility for change Talk: Walk the talk Plan: Written communication and establish accountability Develop: Growth opportunities Learn: Study the successes and failures of others

6 Intel Confidential 66 Funding

7 Intel Confidential 77 Initial Funding Foundation Grants Community Bonds and Allocations Statewide Pilots and Seed Funding Ongoing Funding Grants Discounts Support from Local Organizations Community Partnerships Family Contributions Funding: Sources

8 Intel Confidential 88 District/State Purchase Lease Program Lease/Purchase Individual/Family Purchase District Implementation (e.g., bond issues) Funding: Options

9 Intel Confidential 99 Funding: Systemic Sustainability Forensic Technology Audit Key factor for systemic change Incorporation in all aspects of system Integration throughout organization Analyze and Capture Current $$ Analyze cost vs. benefit Establish guest device deployment practices Cost Avoidance: Resource Redeployment Phase out and/or eliminate expenses that are no longer necessary or appropriate

10 Intel Confidential 10 Infrastructure

11 Intel Confidential 11 The ideal mobile device Other factors - Size - Battery and recharging - Security - Replacement - Hardware/software - Upgrades - Maintenance and support - Teacher-student interactivity - Quality Infrastructure: Computing Devices

12 Intel Confidential 12 Stability Security Reliability Capacity Supportability Scalability Infrastructure: Network Support

13 Intel Confidential 13 Infrastructure: Learning Platforms Learning platforms: a range of integrated Web-based applications Moves nexus of teaching and learning anywhere and everywhere Transforms education beyond school walls Allows anytime access Recapture time: anytime/anywhere learning Follows appropriate settings, goals

14 Intel Confidential 14 Learning Platforms: The Three Cs of Selection Digital learning environments are the key to addressing the three Cs of learning today: Consume: read and interpret text and imagery Collaborate: share what theyve learned and work with others to extend their knowledge Create: demonstrate mastery of content through appropriate responses that use higher order thinking skills

15 Intel Confidential 15 Learning Platforms

16 Intel Confidential 16 Learning Platforms: Comparison

17 Intel Confidential 17 Professional Development

18 Intel Confidential 18 Professional Development: Crucial Provide technology one year in advance Use professional development sessions smartly Answer questions fast Provide ongoing support Implement mentoring programs Train to fix minor connectivity interruptions Identify best uses of technologies Provide appropriate learning opportunities Offer encouragement and support

19 Intel Confidential 19 Digital Content

20 Intel Confidential 20 Digital Content: Rich and Robust Systemic shift from static to dynamic content Provides enriching, engaging, and dynamic learning experiences Allows students to become masters of their learning (student- centered and student-produced) Connects to world beyond classroom walls Saves money

21 Intel Confidential 21 Content In every subject In every delivery modality To complement any teaching style To complement any learning style Available On the Web Through downloads Teacher and student-created For payment Digital Content: Availability

22 Intel Confidential 22 21 st Century Cyber-Skill Set Safety Wellness Literacy Appropriate online behavior - 21 st century vs. traditional consequences Balancing risk taking/exploration with safety and boundaries Digital Content: Cyber Skills

23 Intel Confidential 23 Teachers and Students Can: Search it Sort it Create it Chunk it Aggregate it Share it Translate it Deliver it Engage multi-media Flexibly pace according to ability and style Connect with experts and resources beyond classroom walls Select according to standards and benchmarks Digital Content: Flexibility

24 Intel Confidential 24 Policy

25 Intel Confidential 25 Policies and Procedures Drive Practice Federal, state, and local expectations drive systemic behaviors Get involved! Establish an Acceptable Use Policy Policy: The Foundation

26 Intel Confidential 26 Federal - E2T2, ESEA - NETP State Local Insurances for theft, damage, vandalism Collaborative faculty plan for student consequences Media literacy Tool access, security protocols Policy: Federal, State, Local

27 Intel Confidential 27 Results: The Proof

28 Intel Confidential 28 Results: State and Local State Initiatives Freedom to Learn (FTL) initiative: Michigan The Maine Learning Technology Initiative Texas TIP Program South Dakota Classroom Connections Program District Programs Kent, Washington Irving, Texas Lemon Grove, California Auburn, Alabama Henrico, Virginia

29 Intel Confidential 29 Project RED: Key Findings Ubiquitous technology, when properly implemented, increases student outcomes Systemic re-engineering through technology saves money, increases access and utilization Leadership and vision are crucial to success Daily use of technology best realizes the return on investment

30 Intel Confidential 30 Proper Implementation is Key

31 Intel Confidential 31 Project RED: Keys to Success Student-Computer Ratio Fewer students per computer improves outcomes Principal Leadership and Training Leading school reforms Facilitating buy-in, best practices, technology- transformed learning Teachers given time for both professional learning and collaboration Digital Content Technology-integrated into core curriculum Technology-integrated intervention classes Games/simulations and social media Virtual field trips Search engines Online Assessments: Formative and summative

32 Intel Confidential 32 For eLearning Initiatives Leadership Funding Digital Content Infrastructure Professional Development Results Policy For more information, go to: WWW.K12BLUEPRINT.COM The K-12 Computing Blueprint

33 Logo

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