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Published byТимофей Галахов Modified over 5 years ago
Presentation to the Standing Committee on Appropriation
16 November 2011
Spending as at the end of the second quarter
Presentation Outline PART 1 Spending as at the end of the second quarter PART 2 Spending on Infrastructure
PART 1 Spending as at the end of the second quarter
Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure April 2011 to September 2011
ADJUSTED APPROPRIATION AGAINST END OF SECOND QUARTER EXPENDITURE FOR THE 2011/12 FINANCIAL YEAR PER PROGRAMME Programmes 2011/12 Main Appropriation Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure April 2011 to September 2011 Deviation R’000 % Administration 43.36 Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring 22.82 Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development 45 019 91.44 Planning, Information and Assessment 40.00 Educational Enrichment Services 57.22 Total 45.64 Expenditure in the first six months of 2011/12 was R6.426 billion, or 45.6 per cent of the adjusted appropriation of R billion for the year as a whole.
Economic Classification
ADJUSTED APPROPRIATION AGAINST END OF SECOND QUARTER EXPENDITURE FOR THE 2011/12 FINANCIAL YEAR PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Economic Classification 2011/12 Main Appropriation Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure April 2011 to September 2011 Deviation R’000 % Compensation of Employees 43.70 Examiners and Moderators 16 660 765 15 895 4.60 Transfers to Public Entities 9 191 98.04 Other Transfers 11 066 11 109 1 536 9 573 13.83 Conditional Grants 50.18 Earmarked Funds 21.24 School Infrastructure Backlogs Indirect Grant - Departmental Operations 53.22 Projects 65 476 74 166 12 924 61 242 17.43 Total 45.64
Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure April 2011 to September 2011
DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS/TRANSFERS OVER THE 2011/12 FINANCIAL YEAR Services 2011/12 Main Appropriation Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure April 2011 to September 2011 Deviation R’000 % Earmarked Funds: 21.24 Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Project 26.00 EPWP Kha Ri Gude 43 981 12 800 31 181 29.10 Curriculum Review 80 000 8 923 71 077 11.15 Workbooks 17.89 Integrated Quality Management System 35 259 15 765 19 494 44.71 Systemic Evaluation 20 657 7 174 13 483 34.73 National Assessments: Grades 3, 6 and 9 - 8 906 National Education and Evaluation Development Unit 11 947 2 659 9 288 22.26 National Schools Nutrition Programme 14 467 16 404 5 259 11 145 32.06 Conditional Grants: 50.18 Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation Conditional Grant 60 000 28.50 Dinaledi Schools Conditional Grant 70 000 28 000 42 000 40.00 Educational Infrastructure Conditional Grant 45.07 National School Nutrition Programme 58.54 HIV and Aids 59 798 30.00
Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure April 2011 to September 2011
DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS/TRANSFERS OVER THE 2011/12 FINANCIAL YEAR Services 2011/12 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure April 2011 to September 2011 Deviation R’000 % Earmarked Funds: 21.24 Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Project 26.00 EPWP Kha Ri Gude 43 981 12 800 31 181 29.10 Curriculum Review 80 000 8 923 71 077 11.15 Workbooks 17.89 Integrated Quality Management System 35 259 15 765 19 494 44.71 Systemic Evaluation 20 657 7 174 13 483 34.73 National Assessments: Grades 3, 6 and 9 8 906 - National Education and Evaluation Development Unit 11 947 2 659 9 288 22.26 National Schools Nutrition Programme 16 404 5 259 11 145 32.06 Conditional Grants: 50.18 Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation Conditional Grant 60 000 28.50 Dinaledi Schools Conditional Grant 70 000 28 000 42 000 40.00 Educational Infrastructure Conditional Grant 45.07 National School Nutrition Programme 58.54 HIV and Aids 59 798 30.00
Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure April 2011 to September 2011
DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS/TRANSFERS OVER THE 2011/12 FINANCIAL YEAR Services 2011/12 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditure April 2011 to September 2011 Deviation R’000 % Transfers to Public Entities 9 191 98.04 NSFAS: Fundza Lushaka Bursaries - 100.00 Umalusi 18 391 9 200 50.02 Other Transfers 11 109 1 536 9 573 13.83 UNESCO Membership Fees 10 739 ADEA 27 Guidance Counseling &Youth Development Centre: Malawi 100 ETDP SETA 158 Childline South Africa 50 Households 35 1 371 (1 336) Claims against the state 7 (7)
Adjusted Appropriation
MAIN APPROPRIATION AGAINST ADJUSTED APPROPRIATION FOR THE 2011/12 FINANCIAL YEAR Programmes 2011/12 Main Appropriation Adjustments Appropriation Adjusted Appropriation Roll-overs Virements and Shifts Other Adjustments Total Adjustments Appropriation R’000 Administration - (3 414) 966 (2 448) Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring 12 048 4 353 (2 605) 13 796 Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development 460 3 308 3 768 Planning, Information and Assessment 15 901 (5 155) Educational Enrichment Services 1 937 3 756 246 5 939 Total 29 886 The total allocation for the Department increased by 1.53% (R million) from R million in the Main Appropriation to R million in the Adjusted Estimates. Included in the R million are transfer payments to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (3.19%), conditional grants to provincial education departments (76.25%) and other transfers and subsidies (0.21%). The specifically and exclusively appropriated School Infrastructure Backlogs indirect grant (4.97%) represents the bulk of the payments for capital assets. The balance of the Adjusted Estimates consists of earmarked funds, including workbooks for literacy and numeracy and the Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign (11.47%) as well as compensation of employees, payments to examiners and moderators, projects and operational expenditure (3.91%).
Adjusted Appropriation
OVERVIEW OF THE ADJUSTED ESTIMATES OF NATIONAL EXPENDITURE ALLOCATIONS FOR 2011/12 Programmes 2011/12 Main Appropriation Adjusted Appropriation Increase / (Decrease) R’000 % Administration (2 448) (0.81) Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring 13 796 0.75 Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development 3 768 0.72 Planning, Information and Assessment 2.99 Educational Enrichment Services 5 939 0.12 Total 1.53 Programme 1: Administration The decrease of R2,448 million is due mainly as a result of the reorganisation of the Department with a decrease in the compensation of employees allocation in this programme as well as a shifting of funds towards other activities due to the alignment of underfunded units and the allocation for newly established units. Programme 2: Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring The increase of R13,796 million is due mainly to the roll-overs of R12,048 million in respect of the Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation conditional grant as well as courier services rendered for the Mass Literacy Campaign. The remainder of the increase is as a result of the reorganisation of the Department with a consequential increase in the compensation of employees allocation required for this programme. Programme 3: Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development The increase of R3,768 million is due mainly due to the shifting of functions of R3 million in respect of the Curriculum and Professional Development Unit project to this programme as well as an increase in the compensation of employees allocation due to the reorganisation of the Department.
Programme 4: Planning, Information and Assessment The increase of R191,277 million is due to the roll-over of R15,901 in respect of service providers verifying and capturing the marks of grades 3, 6 and 9 in the national assessments as well as specialised computer services required for the Learner Unit Record Information and Tracking System. An increase of R180 million has furthermore been additionally allocated towards the Education Infrastructure conditional grant for disaster management in the provinces (school buildings). The following amount per province has been allocated: Province Amount Allocated R’000 North West 3 960 Limpopo 23 040 Mpumalanga 3 600 Kwa-Zulu Natal 17 820 Free State 6 480 Eastern Cape Total: Disaster management shift Programme 5: Educational Enrichment Services The increase of R5,939 million is due mainly to the roll-over of R1,937 million for a National School Nutrition Programme baseline study. The remainder of the increase is as a result of the reorganisation of the Department with a resulting increase in the compensation of employees allocation required for this programme.
PART 2 Spending on infrastructure
The second quarter spending is R 3, 786, 749 billion or 43% of the total budget of R8, 764, 933 billion. EC is the lowest spending department with a reported spending of only 18 % against an expected spending of 50% as at the end of the second quarter.
Gauteng has reported a spending of 40%. This is an improvement on the expenditure reported at the end of the first quarter. However this is not a satisfactory indication of improvements in spending as the 3rd and 4th quarter projections are very high and may not be achieved as indicated. Mpumalanga and Limpopo have reported over- spending as at the end of the second quarter of 83% & 67% respectively. This is a clear indication that these provinces will significantly over- spend their total infrastructure budget by the end of the 2011/12 financial year. Given these indications, it becomes apparent that while the sector has attained an average spending of only 7% below the expectation of 50% at the end of the second quarter, there are those department that will significantly under- spend while others will significantly over- spend.
50% of the EIG has to date been transferred to PEDs. EC , FS, NC & WC have spent less than the below 40% of the 50% that has currently been transferred. 4th transfer due on 18 Nov 2011
The 2011/12 financial year poses an immediate challenge to the sector to implement interventions to manage current spending. As mentioned some PEDs may over- spend while others may under- spend. The following is monitored to assist provinces: Effective supervision and oversight in the planning process to ensure that correct needs are identified and addressed Alignment of planning and budgetting Adherence to project management principles, including monitoring of projects Capacity/skills Procurement/Supply Chain management
The sector is experiencing significant challenges with planning and capacity to plan at the provincial level. The following are actions taken by DBE to assist PEDs address these planning and capacity challenges:- DBE has developed an Action Plan to address identified gaps in the planning process of PEDS. This plan identifies actions that need to be taken by PEDs and DBE to address these planning challenges. A planning and design manual has been developed and all infrastructure personnel will receive training based on the manual. A Short Term Technical Assistant Team has been appointed to look at the User Asset Management Plans of PEDs to assist them to develop comprehensive plans and project lists. The team will also be responsible for developing tools to assist PEDs improve infrastructure planning. DBE has established a PSU within the DBE to monitor the implementation of infrastructure and services provision by the various Professional Service Providers (PSP’s) and Implementing Agents (IA’s) that the Department of Basic Education and provinces are utilizing for the implementation of the infrastructure programme.
The PSU will also be responsible to continuously track progress on projects; inspect work in progress and in completed projects to evaluate quality of work as well as monitoring expenditure per project on a monthly basis Increased monitoring planning, budgeting , expenditure, project management and procurement issues are interrogated and a sample of projects are visited. Based on the findings from these visits, remedial actions are devised with the province and monitored by the DBE. DBE is working with IDIP to develop an HR strategy to address capacity constraint with regards to infrastructure in PEDs. The strategy is at an advanced stage. Training is planned on infrastructure procurement and the gateway process as articulated in the CIDB toolkit. This will include officials in the supply chain units in provinces
The following have also been done to improve planning and implementation: Concluded guidelines for infrastructure planning and these will be implemented in provinces Upgrade and update the NEIMS database to ensure accurate data for planning; Finalised the infrastructure planning and prioritization model ; Standardized school designs have been finalised and will be released for use in provinces A school infrastructure costing model has been developed and will be released to provinces to assist with preliminary costing for projects
Progress on Inappropriate Structures 2011/12 Programme: DBSA
The PSU has been appointed and assumed duty on 27 September 2011 Appointment of contractors for the 50 schools is progressing as per the table below. Approximately 400 BIDS sold and 150 BIDS were returned The evaluation committee is being constituted by DBSA with DBE representatives and the evaluation process has been concluded. Adjudication committee met on the 14th November 2011. Adverts Out in Newspapers Availability Date for Tender Documents Briefing Session Tender Closes Tender Evaluation & Adjudication Completed Tender Award and Site Handover PHASE 1:28 SCHOOLS OUT OF INITIAL 50 SCHOOLS 16 October 2011 [Sunday Times /City Press /Daily Dispatch] 25-Oct-11 26-Oct-11 04-Nov-11 11-Nov-11 18 to 21 November 2011 PHASE 2:22 SCHOOLS OUT OF INITIAL 50 SCHOOLS 06 Nov 2011 [Sunday Times /City Press] 15-Nov-11 16-Nov-11 29-Nov-11 06-Dec-11 07 to 14 December 2011 07-Nov-11 [Daily Dispatch]
Progress on Water and Sanitation 2011/12 Programme EC: MVULA TRUST
Mvula Trust has awarded 18 projects to contractors and 32 additional projects will be awarded to contractors by the 14TH November 2011 The table below indicates the projected site handover dates as well as anticipated completion dates. No of Schools per Phase Tender Award and Site Handover Latest Planned Practical Completion Latest Planned Final Completion PHASE 1:18 SCHOOLS 19 to 24 October 2011 31 Dec Feb 2012 Mar-11 PHASE 2:32 SCHOOLS 03 to 09 November 2011
Progress on Water and Sanitation 2011/12 Programme : IDT Progress on Electrification 2011/12 Programme : ESKOM IDT The MOA with IDT is in the process of being finalised 27 schools in the North West have been assessed ESKOM MOA with ESKOM has been signed 155 projects are in the planning process throughout the country. The projects cost is estimated at R66mil
Progress on Water and Sanitation 2011/12 Programme : KZN
KZN started with planning process on the 30 August 2011 and are in the process of implementing 79 Projects 32 of the projects are in planning stage and 47 in tender stage No of Schools for Implementation Planning Stage Tender Award and Site Handover Latest Planned Practical Completion Latest Planned Final Completion 47 30-Aug-11 15-Feb-12 Apr-12 32 09- Nov-11 The projects cost is estimated at R57.5mil
Progress on Water, Sanitation and Electrification 2011/12 Programme : FS
FS appointed a Project Manager on the 17th August 2011 They are in the process of implementing 38 projects for water, 14 for Sanitation and 31 for Electrification The time lines are as indicated in the table below. Management Consultant appointed Site visits Preparation of contract documentation Tender/Quotations Evaluation & Appointments Construction period Final handover WATER 17 Aug 2011 Aug -Sept 2011 Oct-Nov 2011 30 Nov 2011 Dec Feb 2012 March 2012 SANITATION ELECTRIFICATION The projects are estimated at R22mil
PLANNING 2012/13 AND 2013/14 : ASIDI Additional 50 inappropriate schools in the EC and 100 schools from other provinces will also be implemented in the 2012/13 PSU will beginning with the scoping to this effect and to conclude by mid December Eradication of the basic services backlog is targeted in the 2012/13 A criterion is being developed to identify schools which require Libraries, Laboratories and Administration block. Twelve (12) schools per province are targeted. The balance of inappropriate schools will be eradicated in 2013/14
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