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Welcome to the School Year

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the School Year"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year
Edwina Hunter EDU 214/Fall 2016

2 Classroom Rules

3 Rule #1 Be ready to LEARN & have FUN

4 Rule #2 Raise your hand and wait to be called on

5 Rule #3 Respect your peers & classroom

6 Rule #4 Listen when the teacher is talking

7 Rule #5 Listen carefully to direction

8 Rule #6 Walk quietly We always WALK don’t RUN

9 Rule #7

10 Voice Level Song

11 Rule #8 Be kind and show kindness How to Be Kind

12 Signals Restroom Tissue Drink Pencil Question Sitting on the carpet
Use 1 finger to signal the teacher that you have to use the restroom Tissue Use 2 fingers Drink Use 3 fingers Pencil Use 4 fingers Question Use 5 fingers Sitting on the carpet Criss-Cross applesauce Listening ears

13 Our Promises We will take turns and share
We will respect others property We will be kind and respectful to our classmates and teachers

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