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Meet the Teacher Year 1 Mrs Taylor (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Speight (Thurs-Fri) (Bodiam) Miss Hughes (Arundel)

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Teacher Year 1 Mrs Taylor (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Speight (Thurs-Fri) (Bodiam) Miss Hughes (Arundel)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Teacher Year 1 Mrs Taylor (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Speight (Thurs-Fri) (Bodiam) Miss Hughes (Arundel)

2 Year 1 expectations Children are responsible for changing their reading books first thing in the morning. They are then to hand in books and reading diaries into the class each morning. Children should come to school with a named water bottle (only water), coat and book bag. Ideally not rucksacks. The bags are to be kept in the classroom boxes. Aim towards children going to the toilet at break and lunch times – unless made aware of medical conditions. Children are expected to follow the Golden Rules and the class rules. Children are expected to work hard, there will be increasingly less play.

3 Class Timetable example
Mon Register Maths English B R E A K ICT Phonics L U N C H RE Guided Reading Story Time Tues Handwriting Topic Wed Science Thur PSHE Music PE

4 Homework Children are expected to read daily at home for at minutes, to be recorded in reading diary Children will be given spellings on a Thursday to learn for the following week – read and write these. You will see their results as they will bring their tests homes. We expect children to be able to spell these words in their everyday work, not just in a test! Big Maths Beat that – Monday - Friday



7 End of year expectations for year 1


9 Reading Vision We are taking a journey through the planets to show how much we are reading.

10 Phonics Screener June 2019 Phonics sessions tba

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