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Notes on American Expansion

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1 Notes on American Expansion
Isolation : having little to do with foreign nations

2 Unlocking Japan In the past, Japan was closed to the west (Feudal society, Shoguns) Pres. Millard Fillmore sends Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan in the 1850’s to open trade. 1854: TREATY OF KANAGAWA: American ships now allowed to trade with Japan

3 Perry Arrives in Japan

4 Alaska In debt, Russian Czar willing to sell Alaska to the U.S for $7.2 million (2 cents an acre!) U.S. Secretary of State, William Seward jumps at the chance increasing the land area of the U.S by 1/5! Seward’s Folly: many Americans thought Seward’s purchase was foolish. In 1896 gold is discovered, 1968, oil is discovered - NOT SO FOOLISH!!!

5 Portrait of Secretary of State William H
Portrait of Secretary of State William H. Seward, officer of the United States Government Seward, Alaska, 1915

6 Age of Imperialism Imperialism: policy of powerful countries to control economic and political affairs of weaker countries or regions Europe: 1.need for raw materials 2. Need for new trade markets 3. “white man’s burden” duty to spread culture and ideology to “backward” nations Competition: U.S. had a surplus of raw materials and products: wanted to dominate trading

7 Reasons for American Expansion
Duty to “spread democracy and christianity” The “frontier west was gone (manifest destiny was complete), no new land to settle Increased foreign trade required a larger, stronger navy, with ports worldwide for fueling and protection By the 1890’s the U.S had a large and powerful navy, The Great White Fleet (steam powered, white steel hulled ships) Annexed Hawaii

8 Great White Fleet

9 Turned to Latin America
U.S wanted to improve relations, remove trade barriers 1910- Pan-American Union: a group of western hemisphere nations that agreed to work together to solve problems

10 Pan American Expo

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