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 The arrangement of flowers on floral axis is called inflorescence.  A flower is a modified shoot wherein shoot apical meristem changes to floral meristem.

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2  The arrangement of flowers on floral axis is called inflorescence.  A flower is a modified shoot wherein shoot apical meristem changes to floral meristem.  Two types of inflorescence are there depending on whether apex gets converted into flower or continues to grow:-  Racemose:-main axis continues to grow  Cymose:-main axis terminates in flower


4  Flower has 4 different type of whorls arranged successfully on stalk called thalamus or receptacle.  4 whorls are calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.  Calyx and corolla –accessory organ  Androecium and gynoecium-reproductive organ.  When flower has both androecium+gynoecium it is bisexual.  A flower having a stamen or a carpal is unisexual.

5  Flower may be actinomorphic (radial symmetry)or zygomorphic(bilateral symmetry).  When a flower can be divided into two equal halves in radial plane-actinomorphic e.g. mustard.  When a flower can be divide into two equal in vertical plane-zygomorphic e.g,pea,gulmohar,bean  If it cannot be divided into two equal halves by any canna

6  Trimerous:-3 floral appendages  Tetramerous:-4 floral appendages  Pentamerous:- 5 floral appendages  Bracteate:- flower with bracts.  Ebracteate:-flower without bracteate.  Based on position flowers are of following types:-  Hypogynous:- gynoecium occupies highest position and other all are below it. ovary in such flower is called superior eg mustard.  Perigynous:-gynoecium situated at the centre and other part are located at rim of thalamus. Ovary here is half inferior.  Epigynous:-ovary here is inferior margin of thalamus grows upward enclosing ovary and getting fused with it eg, guava


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