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Geosciences, Humanities and Landscape Management: CGEO and society interactions within the SDGs Luiz Oosterbeek, Pierluigi Rosina, Helena Henriques, Elizabeth.

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Presentation on theme: "Geosciences, Humanities and Landscape Management: CGEO and society interactions within the SDGs Luiz Oosterbeek, Pierluigi Rosina, Helena Henriques, Elizabeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geosciences, Humanities and Landscape Management: CGEO and society interactions within the SDGs
Luiz Oosterbeek, Pierluigi Rosina, Helena Henriques, Elizabeth Silva

2 Needs analysis and theoretical framework
Assessment: A negative outcome of the “Brundtland report” Understanding: Sustainability Science is not a matter for technology and natural and social sciences alone Research question: But can Humanities play a role other than of advice, or of promoting comparative studies?

3 an interdisciplinary integrated framework
Geosciences Technologies Humanities + Heritage Social Sciences Geosciences as the basic tool for the assessment of contextual constraints Technologies as the key tools for short term problems Social sciences as the tools for human clusters understanding of needs Humanities as the integrative tools for coherence and sustainability. Heritage as the backbone of territories identity and competitivity

4 Aims, objectives Diachronic approach to landscape management, based on the interactions between Humanities, Geosciences and sciences at large, meeting the strategy of the Sustainable Development Goals agenda. Research on basic resources (energy) which enable tailored driven solutions (geotechnology) mediated by human agency (humanities). Establishment of a global research, education and innovation network demonstrate the specific use of the Humanities for Sciences and Technologies in daily life potentiate the impact of knowledge production and knowledge sharing educate new generations of qualified leaders within a transdisciplinary and creative framework.

5 Theoretical approach Possibilities (Earth and Life Sciences) Behaviour indicators (Humanities) Territorial strategies + recurring succes and falilure Resources and Technology Logistics and sociocultural access Dilemmas and conflict management (fission, complexification,…) If the basic analytical framework of anthropology and archaeology is valid for different societies, from early hunters until historical periods, it should also be valid to assess contemporary society. Humanities, rooted in Geosciences (fundamental Human agency constraints) are the base of a scientific approach to address the identified needs and challenges, meeting the agenda of SDGs within a long term comparative understanding.

6 methodology The core methodology of this strategy foresees four pillars for territorial governance, as defined in Oosterbeek 2014: education and training; sociocultural matrix reconstruction; stakeholder’s engagement; communication. Heritage is a nuclear component of territorial management, for shared landscape understanding, self-recognition and agency. Its neglect triggers disruptions and the collapse of societies. OPERATION MANAGEMENT MONITORING EDUCATION SOCIOCULT. MATRIX FORA FORESIGHT MEMORY SPACES TRAINING RESEARCH DEGREES STAKE- HOLDERS INDICATORS GOVERNANCE PROJECTS COMMUN- CATION ACTIONS

7 Main tools Research Research degrees Institution building
Assessment of past landscape management process in Prehistory (e.g. project MTAS - Moving tasks across shapes: the agro-pastoralist spread towards and from the Alto Ribatejo; project on MSA/LSA in Angola) Assessment of contemporary specific territories landscape management (e.g. Portugal, Brazil and Cape Verde, Research degrees Master (EMQP, DYCLAM, ….) PhD (IDQP, Heritage, Geology) Institution building UNESCO-IPT chair on Humanities and Cultural Integrated Landscape Management, based in the research center in Mação, Portugal.

8 Main initial results 2016: Establishment of the International Association on Cultural Integrated Landscape Management, affiliated to CIPSH. 2017: Final document of the World Humanities Conference (UNESCO-CIPSH) on the reorganization of higher education and on priorities for research on the environment, migrations, identities and heritage. 2018: Establishment of the UNESCO chair on Humanities and Cultural Integrated Landscape Management (IPT). 2019: Participation in the CIPSH programme on Global History of Humanity, coordinating the section on Environment; 2019: International Conference on Paleoclimate, detailing issues related to human adaptations to environmental and climatic changes; 2019: Establishment of a network on Arts and Society for Peace and Sustainability

9 OTHER main Global projects
Launching of a new programme, with UNESCO, on sustainability science (2019); Structuring of Quaternary studies networking in Western Austral Africa (2019); Establishment of context based centres are to be established in Cape Verde and Brazil (2020); Integration of our method with a medical humanities territory-based project, in Taipei (2020); Collaboration with the Lebanese University and the Byblos UNESCO Centre for Human Sciences (2020); Research on MSA and LSA adaptations research network in Western Austral Africa (2021).

10 THANK YOU! Further references
gestao_cultural_integrada_do_territorio THANK YOU!

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