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Implementing SEAL: Action Planning

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1 Implementing SEAL: Action Planning

2 Learning from the evidence: key ingredients for implementing and embedding SEAL
Support from above (head, management, governors, parents fully aware of benefits) Critical mass of staff understanding/supporting rationale for undertaking the work Clear, negotiated aims for what we are trying to achieve (children who can…). Priorities will vary according to school circumstances Careful strategic planning to mesh the resource with what is already going on in the school and ’make it your own’ Opportunity for staff to pilot a theme and ‘dip-in’

3 The SEAL Journey Stage 1: Implementing an explicit curriculum
Staff training Assemblies (primary) and curriculum work Using the whole school tools in the explicit curriculum Stage 2: Whole-school SEAL (making SEAL cross-curricular and considering the environment) Stage 3: Developing a continuum of provision Small group work Family and community involvement Aims: Introduce SEAL to staff, governors and parents (as a ‘pilot’) Appoint a SEAL coordinator Staff understanding and planning for implementation of pilot theme (NEW BEGINNINGS/A PLACE TO LEARN) Implementation of pilot theme Staff review Task: Identify your next steps


5 Good luck on your SEAL journey…
And remember….. You won’t get where you want to go if you only travel on the sunny days!

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