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Change is Gonna Come: Technology Transforming Our World Trudy Dunham for the CYFERnet Technology Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Change is Gonna Come: Technology Transforming Our World Trudy Dunham for the CYFERnet Technology Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change is Gonna Come: Technology Transforming Our World Trudy Dunham for the CYFERnet Technology Team

2 "Thanks to you and your invention, your pupils will be widely read without benefit of a teacher's instruction; in consequence, they'll entertain the delusion that they have wide knowledge; while they are, in fact, for the most part incapable of real judgment." -Plato, Phaedrus 360 On development of the written word

3 Do you sleep with your cell phone beside your bed? Do you interrupt what you are doing to respond to an incoming email, text or call? Do you work from home some of the time? Do you work only during business hours?

4 Technology, Life & Work

5 CYFERnet Technology Team Ray Kimsey, NC – Database & app development, site hosting Barbara Woods, Jay Staker, Jeanne Wiebke, IA – Webinar hosting, exhibit coordination, connectivity, youth tech Vishal Singh, Tracy Pracheil, NE – Multimedia, social media & youth tech Trudy Dunham, MN – Everything else Ex Officio: Jim Kahler, NIFA All: plan, develop resources, tech assist, train

6 CYFERnet Tech Demonstrate effectiveness of CYFAR through publication, promotion of CYFAR work Demonstrate public value of Extension, land grant institutions through links to their resources Link to CYF and other resources to support CYFAR site Website, Facebook and Twitter accounts, blogs, Wiggio and Google groups Host webinars, listservs, and virtual events Host resources, assist with markup, graphics, multimedia, etc. as needed

7 Technology Guiding Principle A CYFAR program has adequate information and communication technology infrastructure, and it models effective and innovative applications for professional development, educational programming, online collaboration and publishing.

8 Tech Infrastructure & Management Hardware: – Mobile – Individual & shared/group use – Peripherals Networking / Internet access – Broadband – Mobile – VPN (virtual private network) Software & apps Cloud and Collaborative computing Technical assistance, training and support

9 Tech Infrastructure & Management Workshifting Guidelines: – Paperless – Carry your tools with you – Take time to learn, to practice – Be contactable, keep a visible calendar – Be disciplined, know when to unplug Collaborative Technologies: – Smart phone – Web-based remote access – Secure laptop with logins, pin – Wireless networks within office space – Instant messaging, chat, VoIP, video conferencing – Remote presentation tools – Team collaboration work tools in the clouds – Project management – Social networking

10 Tech in Evaluation, Collaboration, Program Planning & Marketing CYFAR Reporting database CYFAR Professionals Database Technology Informal Learning Environment (TILE) General Online practices & tools – Search program ideas and grant opportunities – Produce website, blog, tweets, text blasts, video – Online collaboration on projects and grants – Electronic publishing

11 Tech in Prof Dev & Scholarship Online CYFERnet seminars Virtual Summit CYFAR Conference Proceedings CYFERnet Database Technology Informal Learning Environment CYFAR Program Spotlight General Tools & Resources: – Online journals, articles and reports – Online classes, videos – Podcasts & videos to download and go – Collaboration and research tools – Writing & critique aids

12 Tech in Educational Programming Think social, mobile, geolocation, interactive Attract, intrinsic motivation, engagement Learning and publishing platform to build science, citizenship, art, health, workforce, etc. knowledge & skills Technology/network literacy awareness and skills essential to 21 st century life Tie technology into your logic model components and show its impact on participants

13 Modeling Effective Interactive Use What are you doing with technology that is new, innovative – at least for our system? Are you an early adopter? Is it an application with a population, community, issue, process? How tie into the research or model? Issues with adaptation, fidelity, innovation Tip: Find a (or several) Tech Mentor

14 Tech Trends Social, interactive Video Mobile Geolocation BYOT JIT, JE, JFM Bite-size learning modules Writing for Web

15 Change Example: Training as Conversation Your Audience view themselves as Participants They expect to be able to shape the event Back channel tweets/SMS simultaneously with presentation, discussing what is said/presented, and rating it Interactive features such as polls, dashboards, Key that the presenter responds, and incorporates questions, comments, feedback

16 Example: Selecting a Tool Think function; actual tools will vary Criteria: – Access: ADA, cross platform, cost, bandwidth, stable (be there tomorrow) – Usability: easy to use, save time & money, need login, need installation – Privacy & Intellectual Property: restrict access, protect personal data, retain IP rights, save copy to your tech – Fun Factor: engaging, motivating, creative, collaborative, connecting, interaction

17 Example: Publishing Online Program Spotlight – Accountability - why you are worth funding – New Knowledge – what you learned that the system needs – Program Development – description – Innovation Program Highlights – Awards, commendations – Interesting stories – Publicity

18 TILE: Our Charge Design, host and facilitate An online community (cohort, gathering place) For the supportive mentorship of technology- capacity-building teams From land-grant university systems Does not replace technology support services land grant faculty should receive from their IT support service TILE: Technology Informal Learning Environment

19 TILE: Our Interpretation Create a peer network Focused on building technology skills Technology skills that really allow you to do your 21 st Century work better Technologies that are so embedded in your work it doesnt seem like technology training TILE: Technology Informal Learning Environment

20 Why A Peer-to-Peer Network? Accelerate innovation, dont reinvent Reduce risk, learn from my mistakes Improved use of resources, be my consultant Improve quality, use each others ideas Improve individual effectiveness and job satisfaction, trusted colleagues who mentor Advance the field – pool everyones expertise TILE: Technology Informal Learning Environment

21 Focus on Building Skills What does a 21 st Century CYF professional & volunteer need to know about technology? Online Networking and Social Media Online Learning Online Teaching/ Training Online Scholarship Online Marketing/Public Communication TILE: Technology Informal Learning Environment

22 Whats With the ILE? Informal Learning Environment Networking is the currency for getting things done To fit needs of a diverse peer group 80% of learning is informal Questions lead to conversations more than to answers TILE: Technology Informal Learning Environment

23 TILE Structure Weekly email message Check out the TILE site Read the Blog post each Tuesday, do the activity Engage with us and your peers by posting comments, ideas, questions. Keep up the conversation during the week No set time, no login, will do a tech profile Honest forward-looking discussion Your conversation Begin July 18


25 Thanks for Coming! Safe Travels Home Join Us in TILE

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